alecthomas / gometalinter


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Line-level suppression: can suppress warnings on following line

dabfleming opened this issue · comments

Ran into this issue in vs code, but have confirmed using the command line it's not the extension. Take for example the following go file, simplified slightly from something I came across:

package foo

import (

// GetMD5Hash is a function...
func GetMD5Hash(text string) string {
	hasher := md5.New()
	return hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))

Without any nolint comments it gives the following output:

$ gometalinter test.go
test.go:4::warning: Blacklisted import crypto/md5: weak cryptographic primitive,MEDIUM,HIGH (gosec)
test.go:10::warning: Use of weak cryptographic primitive,MEDIUM,HIGH (gosec)
test.go:11::warning: Errors unhandled.,LOW,HIGH (gosec)

If I add a // nolint comment to the end of line 10, the warnings for both line 10 and 11 are suppressed, though if I add a blank line between them, the second warning still appears in output.

Not quite sure what's going on but pretty sure this is not expected behaviour. I just wanted to suppress the weak cryptographic primitive warning, but still be prompted to fix the unhandled error.