alecthomas / gometalinter


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

gometalinter: error: EOF, try --help

nghialt opened this issue · comments

I'm facing an error while installing. When I type

gometalinter --install

the console output:

gometalinter: error: EOF, try --help.

Does anyone has any idea what the problem is?

No but you should use the releases. Manual install is no longer supported and that flag will be removed eventually.

hi @alecthomas, I didn't manually install it. I followed the instruction on README, using curl -L | sh, then follow the quick start.

You can ignore the Quickstart section (I will remove it now, sorry about that). If you used curl, you already have all of the linters installed.

the problem is I didn't specify any lint so it was looking for the json file, which was empty