alecthomas / gometalinter


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support --disable-all in the configuration file

autarch opened this issue · comments

AFAICT there is no way to set this option via the config file, but pretty much every other CLI option is supported. It'd be nice to support this in config as well.

Just wanted to ask the same thing. Also: It seems there is a mismatch between --tests and

The reason it doesn't exist in the config file is because enabling any linter in the config automatically implies DisableAll. Enable in a config overrides the default list of linters.

With the --enable flag the behaviour is to add the linter to the default list.

I suspected that skimming the code.

Maybe this deserve documenting somewhere as any asymmetry between flags and config file is not asssumed.

Could we check in a .gometalinter.json.sample file which then explain any assymeetry of a specific key?