aleclarson / emitter-kit

Type-safe event handling for Swift

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Event Listners Count always return 0 despite of adding listners

opened this issue · comments

       signInEvent = Event<MasterViewController>()
       //button touchup inside event
       btnSignIn.onTap { [weak self] in
           if self == nil {
           self?.signInEvent?.emit(SigninController()) //Emit data Here
           print(self?.signInEvent?.listenerCount) //Always return 0
       let listner = signInEvent?.on({ (data) in

Hello! What version of Swift and EmitterKit are you using?

Are you forgetting to retain your signInEvent listener?

If so, this is a duplicate of #27. Please confirm. :)

PS: The listenerCount property is deprecated. You should use getListeners().count if you want to know how many listeners exist that have no target. I may consider adding countListeners(target) and countAllListeners() methods if lots of people want them.