alcuadrado / eth-sdk

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Generate type-safe lightweight SDK for your Ethereum smartcontract

The quickest and easiest way to interact with Ethereum


  • minimal - just provide addresses of contracts that you wish to interact with
  • easy to use - ABIs will be automatically downloaded from Etherscan
  • familiar API - Generates ethers.js contract wrappers
  • type-safe - Leverages TypeChain for maximum type-safety


yarn add --dev @eth-dx/sdk-cli @eth-dx/sdk-client

Getting started

eth-sdk takes a JSON config file with ethereum addresses and generates a fully type-safe API that you can use right away.

The first step is to create a config file specifying contracts that we wish to interact with. Default path is eth-sdk/contracts.json:

  "mainnet": {
    "dai": "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F"

The top level key is a network identifier, eth-sdk needs it to query ABI information automatically. Following are key-value pairs of contract names and addresses. These can be arbitrarily nested.

Now you're ready to run yarn eth-sdk. Few things will happen under the hood:

  1. Etherscan will be queried in search of ABIs corresponding to the addresses. ABIs will be downloaded into eth-sdk directory (you should commit them to git to speed up the process in the future).
  2. Minimal SDK will be generated with functions like getMainnetSdk exposed. These functions wire addresses with ABIs and create ethers.js contract instances.
  3. TypeScript types will be generated for SDK using TypeChain.
  4. SDK is generated directly into node_modules, access it as @eth-dx/sdk-client.

Using generated sdk is as simple as it gets:

import { getMainnetSdk } from '@eth-dx/sdk-client' // yay, our SDK! It's tailored especially for our needs
import { ethers } from 'ethers'

async function main() {
  const mainnetProvider = ethers.getDefaultProvider('mainnet')
  const defaultSigner = ethers.Wallet.createRandom(mainnetProvider)

  const sdk = await getMainnetSdk(defaultSigner) // default signer will be wired with all contract instances

  const balance = sdk.dai.balanceOf(defaultSigner.address)

  .then(() => console.log('DONE'))
  .catch((error) => {

Motivation and use cases

The primary motivation for the project is reducing the ceremony needed to interact with smart contracts on Ethereum while using JavaScript or TypeScript. It takes care of boring parts like ABI management and auto-generates all the boilerplate required to set up ethers.js contract instances. Finally, it makes DX great by ensuring that all contracts have type information so your IDE can assist you.

It works great with all sorts of scripts, backend services, and even frontend apps. Note: If you develop smart contracts it's better to use TypeChain directly (especially via HardHat integration).

State of the project

The project is in a very experimental stage. Don't hesitate to create an issue / pull request helping to steer the vision. Particularly things like input configuration are not set in stone (how should JSON config look like? should we support .yml etc)


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 69.7%Language:JavaScript 30.3%