albumentations-team / autoalbument

AutoML for image augmentation. AutoAlbument uses the Faster AutoAugment algorithm to find optimal augmentation policies. Documentation -

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Exclude certain augmentations

LSnyd opened this issue · comments

Hi there,
is there a way to exclude certain augmentations?
Vertical flipping for instance does not make sense for the domain I am working with, so I would like to exclude it from the beginning. Thank you in advance!

Hey @LSnyd

In the latest version of AutoAlbument (0.4.0), you can pass a list of operations you want to use through the policy_model.operations key.

Here is an example config that uses all available operations - Just remove the unneeded ones such as - _target_: autoalbument.faster_autoaugment.models.policy_operations.VerticalFlip.

Hi @creafz,
adding the operations manually worked great, thank you!

When using these operations, I still won't be able to hand over the range of values for the RandomContrast for instance, right? With the standard settings, I end up with white and black images, unfortunately.

My bad I didn't divide the input image (float32) by 255. Now it works for me and I don't end up with black images.