albuch / sbt-dependency-check

SBT Plugin for OWASP DependencyCheck. Monitor your dependencies and report if there are any publicly known vulnerabilities (e.g. CVEs). :rainbow:

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Unable to delete the local copy of the NVD

ghostbuster91 opened this issue · comments

I setup my own mirror of the NVD using docker approach from Now I would like to migrate this docker container into the cloud, but in order to check whether it works I need to clean my local cache of NVD. I tried running sbt dependencyCheckPurge but it gives following error:

[error] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to purge the local NVD when using a non-default connection string
[error]         at net.vonbuchholtz.sbt.dependencycheck.DependencyCheckPurgeTask$.purge(DependencyCheckPurgeTask.scala:11)
[error]         at net.vonbuchholtz.sbt.dependencycheck.DependencyCheckPlugin$.$anonfun$purgeTask$3(DependencyCheckPlugin.scala:396)
[error]         at net.vonbuchholtz.sbt.dependencycheck.DependencyCheckPlugin$.$anonfun$purgeTask$3$adapted(DependencyCheckPlugin.scala:395)
[error]         at net.vonbuchholtz.sbt.dependencycheck.DependencyCheckPlugin$.withEngine(DependencyCheckPlugin.scala:490)
[error]         at net.vonbuchholtz.sbt.dependencycheck.DependencyCheckPlugin$.$anonfun$purgeTask$1(DependencyCheckPlugin.scala:395)
[error]         at net.vonbuchholtz.sbt.dependencycheck.DependencyCheckPlugin$.$anonfun$purgeTask$1$adapted(DependencyCheckPlugin.scala:392)
[error]         at scala.Function1.$anonfun$compose$1(Function1.scala:44)
[error]         at sbt.internal.util.$tilde$greater.$anonfun$$u2219$1(TypeFunctions.scala:40)
[error]         at sbt.std.Transform$$anon$
[error]         at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$2(Execute.scala:269)
[error]         at sbt.internal.util.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:16)
[error]         at
[error]         at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$1(Execute.scala:269)
[error]         at sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4.$anonfun$submitValid$1(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:178)
[error]         at sbt.CompletionService$$anon$
[error]         at
[error]         at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
[error]         at
[error]         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
[error]         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[error]         at
[error] (dependencyCheckPurge) java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to purge the local NVD when using a non-default connection string

It gives that error even if I revert dependencyCheckCveUrl20Modified and dependencyCheckCveUrl20Base to default values.

I also tried to locate this local cache manually but without luck. I checked ~/.sbt directory and all directories inside project.

So the question is: how can I delete this local copy of NVD so I will be able to test my new mirror?

hi @ghostbuster91, sbt-dependency-check only supports automatic purging of databases if you use the default included H2 database with its default connection string. If you use a different database like MySQL or Postgresql you need to manually delete all tables created by sbt-dependency-check. If you just customized the connection string for the H2 database you should unset dependencyCheckConnectionString in your build.sbt befor running dependencyCheckPurge

Hi @albuch
The problem is that I didn't change dependencyCheckConnectionString. I only changed dependencyCheckCveUrl20Modified and dependencyCheckCveUrl20Base, but even if I revert those two to default values I am still unable to perform purge.

Which version of sbt-dependency-check are you using?

The newest - 0.2.10

I just pushed a fix that will be included in the next release to resolve the issue. Meanwhile as a workaround you can delete the database manually which is located at ~/.ivy2/cache/org.owasp/dependency-check-utils/jars/data.

Great, thanks! :)