alan2207 / bulletproof-react

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ESLint "no-restricted-imports" rule

mauro-ni opened this issue · comments

I have a question about the ESLint rule proposed in Project Structure, which is the following:

    rules: {
        'no-restricted-imports': [
                patterns: ['@/features/*/*'],

    // of the configuration

This rule aims to limit the import statements to the index file only, using it as the public API of the feature.
This is great, but it is limiting when implementing the feature: if the feature has a complex structure, it is convenient to be able to use absolute imports for its implementation.


+-- api
+-- components/complex/structure/that/want/to/access/api/Example.jsx

In Example.jsx it would be better to use

import { query } from "@/features/awesome-feature/api/queries";

instead of

import { query } from "../../../../../../../api/queries";

Is it possible to refine the rule somewhat, so that it allows absolute imports for such use case?

Many thanks,