alan2207 / bulletproof-react

🛡️ ⚛️ A simple, scalable, and powerful architecture for building production ready React applications.

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Compiled with warnings due to TypeScript Errors

keremcanb opened this issue · comments

I have cloned the repo and ran yarn install. After install completes and I run yarn start, I see "Compiled with warnings" message and a bunch of files with TypeScript Errors at the console.

To solve the "x is not a valid JSX element" errors, I added those 2 "@types" lines to "resolutions" section at package.json.

resolutions": { "babel-loader": "8.1.0", "@types/react": "17.0.2", "@types/react-dom": "17.0.2" }

I also deleted node_modules folder and yarn.lock file, and rerun yarn install command. Now "x is not a valid JSX element" errors are gone.

But still there are 3 files with TypeScript errors.: Form.tsx, Discussion.tsx, MainLayout.tsx
I temporarily added // @ts-nocheck to the top of those files, after that finally the project opened on localhost.

Node: v16.17.1