akveo / doc-prsr

Simple parser to normalize typdoc and doc.js output

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bug: the following peace of code breaks the parser

nnixaa opened this issue · comments

  protected validateToken(module: string) {
    return map((res) => {
      const token = this.getConfigValue('token.getter')(module, res);
      if (!token) {
        const key = this.getConfigValue('token.key');
                          Token is not provided under '${key}' key
                          with getter '${this.getConfigValue('token.getter')}', check your auth configuration.`);

        throw new Error('Could not extract token from the response.');
      return res;

monosnap 2018-01-24 16-05-25

@nnixaa fixed in the new version