akshata29 / entaoai

Chat and Ask on your own data. Accelerator to quickly upload your own enterprise data and use OpenAI services to chat to that uploaded data and ask questions

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what is the difference between OpenAiKey and OpenAiApiKey in the .env file?

Mshz2 opened this issue · comments

@Mshz2 - OpenAiKey is used when you select Azure OpenAI as the LLM model. OpenAiApiKey is used if instead you selected OpenAI as the LLM model. Eventually we will be adding the hugging face/OSS and other models.

Hope that helps

Ah! Got it thanks!

@Mshz2 - OpenAiKey is used when you select Azure OpenAI as the LLM model. OpenAiApiKey is used if instead you selected OpenAI as the LLM model. Eventually we will be adding the hugging face/OSS and other models.

Hope that helps

@Mshz2 - OpenAiKey is used when you select Azure OpenAI as the LLM model. OpenAiApiKey is used if instead you selected OpenAI as the LLM model. Eventually we will be adding the hugging face/OSS and other models.

Hope that helps

Many Thanks.