akraievoy / elw

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"Latest only" checkbox doesn't work

divijan opened this issue · comments


Stetsuk R., KA-96, has uploaded 2 reports for lab3, one on Nov, 11; second on Dec, 9. At first both were "Pending", but checking "Latest only" showed only one submitted in Nov. Then I declined it and it still was considered latest.


Another example. Student #8 from KA-94 re-uploaded a protocol for lab 1 with 2-week overdue. Now the first one uploaded on time is considered the latest.


I recreated the situation under my student account (TEST group) with a report for lab 3. There are 3 files with the same name (let's call it first name) and 1 file with a different name (which lexicographically supersedes the first name). First I uploaded 2 files with first name, then a file with a second name, and then a file with first name again. Now, the file with second name is considered latest.