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Kafka - assignedPartitions is null for ConsumerStage when using TopicPartitionOffset

thedavejay opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

I am using the producer for the examples and the same code for the consumer except for 1 difference.

Instead of using Subscriptions.Topics("testtopic"), I am using Subscriptions.AssignmentWithOffset(new TopicPartitionOffset("testtopic", 0, Offset.Beginning));

This all works ok until the buffer is reached and the following code in ConsumerStage throws a an argument null exception as the assignedPartitions is null:

 private void PullQueue()

            if (!isPaused && _buffer.Count > _settings.BufferSize)
                Log.Debug($"Polling paused, buffer is full");
                _consumer.Pause(assignedPartitions);   // BREAKING CODE
                isPaused = true;

When I use the following code :

 static void Main(string[] args)
            Config fallbackConfig = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(@"
                    akka.loglevel = DEBUG
                ").WithFallback(ConfigurationFactory.FromResource<ConsumerSettings<object, object>>("Akka.Streams.Kafka.reference.conf"));

            var system = ActorSystem.Create("TestKafkaConsumer", fallbackConfig);
            var materializer = system.Materializer();

            var consumerSettings = ConsumerSettings<Null, string>.Create(system, null, new StringDeserializer(Encoding.UTF8))

            //var subscription = Subscriptions.Topics("testtopic");

            var subscription = Subscriptions.AssignmentWithOffset(new TopicPartitionOffset("testtopic", 0, Offset.Beginning));

            var source = Consumer.PlainSource(consumerSettings, subscription);
            source.Throttle(5, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), 5, ThrottleMode.Shaping)
                    result =>
                            $"Consumer: {result.Topic}/{result.Partition} {result.Offset}: {result.Value}");
                    }, materializer);


I'm not a Kafka expert and couldn't tell how I could fix this. It seems to be similar to this issue:


From what I can tell, it may be better to use _consumer.Assignment to get the assigned partitions that relying on the local variable that gets populated from the OnPartitionAssigned events?



I'll check, to my knowledge the assignedpartitions event is only raised when a subscription is used, and when rebalancing accoured. So I guess you have a point. I'll check in a debug session.

Just to be sure, I changed this code into: _assignedPartitions ?? _consumer.Assignment
I added this into my already existing PR.

Sorry for taking so long to reply. Thanks for that!

Akka.Streams.Kafka have been moved out of Alpakka into its own Github repo.
Closing this issue. Please re-open them in https://github.com/akkadotnet/Akka.Streams.Kafka if you're still having this problem.