akkadotnet / Akka.Persistence.Sql

Linq2Db implementation of Akka.Persistence.Sql. Common implementation for SQL Server, Sqlite, Postgres, Oracle, and MySql.

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Upgrade Linq2db

CumpsD opened this issue · comments

Creating this issue to follow up the problems with sqlite in upgrading linq2db.

All information is in the comments from #163 (comment)

We want to upgrade linq2db, but can't get past 3.5.0 because then sqlite explodes with some DateTime related issues.

Hello, I would like to know when the 'Linq2db' with dependencies to Akka.Net v1.5.1 will be released. We would like to use it with Sql Server.

Hello, I would like to know when the 'Linq2db' with dependencies to Akka.Net v1.5.1 will be released. We would like to use it with Sql Server.

@Arkatufus is working on a project plan today that should address this: https://github.com/orgs/akkadotnet/projects/9 <-- first beta release

The https://github.com/orgs/akkadotnet/projects/9 link is probably private? Doesn't work here