akkadotnet / Akka.Persistence.Redis

Redis storage for Akka.NET Persistence

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Assess performance and integrity of Redis data storage + serialization

Aaronontheweb opened this issue · comments

Need to assess the following before we begin making any changes:

  1. Is Akka.Persistence.Redis making the best use of its underlying data structures? I.E. how many I/O writes per logical write are we using right now?
  2. Is Akka.Persistence.Redis serializing its data in accordance with Akka.NET best practices?
  3. Is Akka.Persistence.Redis creating identifiers in Redis that will play nicely with Redis Cluster, per #93

Looks like we're using bespoke serialization for Akka.Persistence.Redis: #33

Same issue happened with almost all of the Akka.Persistence plugins: akkadotnet/akka.net#3811

edit: this is only for snapshots - not sure how the journal does it just yet...

Looks like we might be doing the right thing for journal serialization:

public byte[] PersistentToBytes(IPersistentRepresentation message)
var serializer = _system.Serialization.FindSerializerForType(typeof(IPersistentRepresentation));
return serializer.ToBinary(message);
public IPersistentRepresentation PersistentFromBytes(byte[] bytes)
var serializer = _system.Serialization.FindSerializerForType(typeof(IPersistentRepresentation));
return serializer.FromBinary<IPersistentRepresentation>(bytes);

Compare that to what we do in MongoDb:


The actual Redis data structure layouts, at first glance, seem sensible - but the low performance numbers might be due to the use of the Redis channels for firing events that drive Akka.Persistence.Query:

var transaction = Database.CreateTransaction();
var payloads = aw.Payload.AsInstanceOf<IImmutableList<IPersistentRepresentation>>();
foreach (var payload in payloads)
var (bytes, tags) = Extract(payload);
// save the payload
transaction.SortedSetAddAsync(_journalHelper.GetJournalKey(payload.PersistenceId), bytes, payload.SequenceNr);
// notify about a new event being appended for this persistence id
transaction.PublishAsync(_journalHelper.GetJournalChannel(payload.PersistenceId), payload.SequenceNr);
//save events sequenceNr and persistenceId so that we can read all events
//with it starting from a given sequenceNr
var journalEventIdentifier = $"{payload.SequenceNr}:{payload.PersistenceId}";
transaction.ListRightPushAsync(_journalHelper.GetEventsKey(), journalEventIdentifier);
// notify about this event
transaction.PublishAsync(_journalHelper.GetEventsChannel(), journalEventIdentifier);
// save tags
foreach (var tag in tags)
transaction.ListRightPushAsync(_journalHelper.GetTagKey(tag), journalEventIdentifier);
transaction.PublishAsync(_journalHelper.GetTagsChannel(), tag);
// set highest sequence number key
transaction.StringSetAsync(_journalHelper.GetHighestSequenceNrKey(aw.PersistenceId), aw.HighestSequenceNr);
// add persistenceId
transaction.SetAddAsync(_journalHelper.GetIdentifiersKey(), aw.PersistenceId).ContinueWith(task =>
if (task.Result)
// notify about a new persistenceId
Database.Publish(_journalHelper.GetIdentifiersChannel(), aw.PersistenceId);

We might want to add the option to disable those for users who aren't using Akka.Persistence.Query with this plugin.

Validated that Akka.Persistence.Query has been the source of some significant performance problems and distribution problems with Redis cluster: #114

Validated that Akka.Persistence.Redis is following Akka.NET best practices for journal serialization: #117