akinsho / nvim-trevJ.lua

Nvim-plugin for doing the opposite of join-line (J) of arguments, powered by treesitter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


⚠️ This plugin is in an early stage and docs is a bit sparse. Feel free to try it out though and let me know if you have any problems/suggestions.

Nvim-plugin for doing the opposite of join-line (J) of arguments, powered by treesitter. The intention of the plugin is the same as revJ. However trevJ uses treesitter to figure out the formatting and in general does everything much more efficient and better, while not polluting registers, last visual selection etc. My intention is that anyone using revJ should have a smooth transfer to trevJ but both configuration and usage will necessarily be somewhat different and instead of making a breaking change for revJ I decided to make a new plugin. Also since it's anyway a complete re-write of the code.


For example using packer:

use {
  config = 'require("trevj").setup()',  -- optional call for configurating non-default filetypes etc

  -- uncomment if you want to lazy load
  -- module = 'trevj',

  -- an example for configuring a keybind, can also be done by filetype
  -- setup = function()
  --   vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>j', function()
  --     require('trevj').format_at_cursor()
  --   end)
  -- end,


Current default languages only include lua, python and rust. But you can add your own, of even better submit a PR for your favorite language. When configuring a language you should specify the treesitter node types that contains the child nodes which should be put on separate lines. For example for the default configuration for lua looks as follows:

  containers = {
    lua = {
      table_constructor = {final_separator = ',', final_end_line = true},
      arguments = {final_separator = false, final_end_line = true},
      parameters = {final_separator = false, final_end_line = true},,
    ... -- other filetypes


  • final_separator: if truthy adds this character after the final child node if not existing.
  • final_end_line: if there should be a final line before the and character of the container node. For existing languages you can override anything and defaults will be used for anything unspecified.



{final_separator = ',', final_end_line = true}


  final_separator = ',',
  final_end_line = true,

no final separator

{final_separator = false, final_end_line = true}


  final_separator = false,
  final_end_line = true

no final separator, no final line

{final_separator = false, final_end_line = false}


  final_separator = false,
  final_end_line = false}


Call require('trevj').format_at_cursor() or bind a key to it. Note that you need to be inside the container treesitter node, otherwise a warning will be given.


Nvim-plugin for doing the opposite of join-line (J) of arguments, powered by treesitter

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 100.0%