akinsho / bufferline.nvim

A snazzy bufferline for Neovim

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Feature Request]: The derive hlgroup of function<derive_colors> should be configurable

ShIRannx opened this issue · comments


Please consider making the derive_colors function's derive hlgroup more flexible, allowing for a more natural and customizable approach.


Currently, in some themes, the lhgroup doesn't quite match the appearance of the bufferline tab, particularly in setups like vscode.nvim.


@ShIRannx apologies but this plugin as is stated in the README is purposely intended to be plug and play. It isn't designed so every single part of it including how it auto derives colours can be tweaked. You can tweak every colour yourself but you can't change how it auto derives colours. There are many many alternatives to this plugin that you can also try. Some which give you even more control so if this doesn't work for you, truly I recommend trying another.