akinsho / bufferline.nvim

A snazzy bufferline for Neovim

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[Question] Incorrect separator when using transparent theme

wojciech-kulik opened this issue · comments

I'm using neovim on macOS and catpuccin theme. Unfortunately, I get white background between tabs when using the transparent theme. How can I fix it?

My config:

return {
	dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" },
	version = "*",
	config = function()
			options = {
				buffer_close_icon = "",
				show_close_icon = false,
				show_buffer_close_icons = false,
				mode = "tabs",
				separator_style = "slant",
				numbers = "ordinal",
				offsets = {
						filetype = "NvimTree",
						text = "File Explorer",
						text_align = "center",
						separator = false,

I'm not sure if its theme issue or bufferline issue :(.


change your separator_style = "slant" to separator_style = "thin"

I want to keep slant if possible :)


Slant style doesn't work with transparency, it works by essentially shading the part that shows up as white for you to match the background but in the case of transparency there is no way for this to work. In general using transparency with this plugin is limited aesthetically because a lot of what this plugin does is using colours to create an appearance and taking colour away reduces it's ability to do this

Thank you for the explanation :)