akeeba / panopticon

Self-hosted site monitoring and management

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


brianteeman opened this issue · comments

Putting this here so it doesn't get forgotten

Something is not correct with the code for the site favicon. No matter what I tried I only ever get the fallback globe

I already fixed it in 1.1.1 which was released minutes before your issue :)

I still only get the globe. :(

git pull
composer install
deleted tmp/
deleted site
added site

You need to delete the cache/favicon folder and wait for Panopticon to run its scheduled site information fetch (or force-reload the site's update information).

I see that there is a bit of confusion about the tmp and cache folders. I think that in a future version I will merge them into cache to avoid this confusion.

Just checking if this is resolved for you. If it is, please close the issue; I am doing a bit of a Spring cleanup :)

this issue is resolved so will close.