akeeba / panopticon

Self-hosted site monitoring and management

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


brianteeman opened this issue · comments

Due diligence

  • I have searched all open and closed issues for this problem.
  • I have searched all open and closed discussions for this problem.
  • I have looked at the CHANGELOG to make sure this problem has not already been addressed.
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Describe the bug

at a minimum there should be a notice/warning displayed on the view=scannertasks and view=backuptasks

Reproduction instructions

for a site which does not have AB or AT set up an automation

Expected behaviour

info that it is not possible for the automation to run on the site as AB/AT are not installed etc

Actual behaviour

no message


No response

Panopticon version


PHP version


Database type


Database version




Browser version

No response

Additional information

I thought we could use the same code as used here

<div class="card-body collapse show" id="cardAdminToolsBody">
@if ($this->hasAdminTools && !$this->hasAdminToolsPro)

But I tried and failed without a lot of code duplication which I'm sure is not right anyway

Or we could just hide the buttons if the integrations are not set up yet, right?

I thought about that but maybe you would want to set things up before you install or upgrade the extensions?

I don't disagree. However, here's the thing. You can't actually set up automations before you have set up the integrations. You can't select a backup profile, for example. So, removing the button before showing the integration makes sense.

After all, the same buttons appear inline on the page only after you set up the integrations.

You absolutely can set up the php filechange scan automation - I just did it - which made me think you could do it for backup as well.

So just kill the buttons