akaunting / akaunting

Online Accounting Software

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Menu vanished after update

thesamug opened this issue · comments

Akaunting version


PHP version


Operating system

Windows 10

Steps to reproduce

I am using Akaunting on my personal computer (local host) for creating local invoices. With the recent update installed, I am facing the following issues.

  1. My whole menu has vanished and is not loading properly.
  2. Software is stuck only on the dashboard other pages are also inaccessible.
  3. As I decide to load the pages via typing the URL in the address bar, the page loads and the loader keeps loading till infinity
    I have attached a video for you to look over so you can better diagnose the issue.

Expected result

I was expecting a smoother and better performance.

Actual result

I have already explained.

Additional comments

No response

Relevant log output

No response

We have identified the cause of the error and we have 2 solutions for you

1- delete public/vendor/livewire and public/vendor/alpinejs folders

2- We will release version 3.1.8, if you switch to it, the problem will be solved.

Example: app.akaunting.com/1/install/updates

or you can run a manual update.

If you have SSH access to your server, you can update Akaunting manually.

You should run the following command from the console:

php /your/akaunting/directory/artisan update:all

Thank you for your support. IT is solved.