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Error Add Primary Key Query

andre-arc opened this issue · comments

Akaunting version


PHP version


Operating system

windows 11

Steps to reproduce

Expected result

User account created

Actual result

there is error query


Additional comments

No response

Relevant log output

No response

I got this error too.

In MySQL, you can't drop a primary key with "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS" as MySQL does not support the "IF EXISTS" clause with "DROP INDEX" or "DROP PRIMARY KEY". If a primary key does not exist, attempting to drop it results in an error, as you experienced.

I check on the database and I didn't see the primary key that we want to delete using this migration code

$table->dropPrimary(['user_id', 'role_id', 'user_type']);

So I've just tried to change the migration file database/migrations/2022_07_21_000000_core_v305.php like this

public function up()
    DB::statement('ALTER TABLE user_roles ADD PRIMARY KEY(`user_id`, `role_id`)');

Note: for column user_roles, make sure to include the DB_PREFIX.
e.g: if your DB_PREFIX=ak, So you need to change the table name to ak_user_roles

I have got this same error.
I checked and found that initially the user_roles table created with 3 columns user_id, user_role & user_type with primary index in database/migrations/2017_09_14_000000_core_v1.php

And in database/migrations/2022_07_21_000000_core_v305.php its dropping primary index for user_id, user_role & user_type then adding primary index for user_id, user_role and last dropping the column user_type

So I assume that the purpose of this 2022_07_21_000000_core_v305.php migration is dropping the user_type column.
Instead of dropping primary index for all three column primary index I just drop only user_type index then drop the user_type column.

And it worked. I don't know any underlying consequences 😀

This is the code:

    public function up()
        Schema::table('user_roles', function (Blueprint $table) {
//            $table->dropPrimary(['user_id', 'role_id', 'user_type']);
//            $table->primary(['user_id', 'role_id']);

        Schema::table('user_roles', function (Blueprint $table) {

This issue solved this commit