Akash-M / idp-frontend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TUM Baggage Handling System


Both for the front end and the back end check:

Just for the front end application

  • bower official website - frontend dependencies package manager
  • gulp official website - javasript task runner
  • sass official website - css preprocessor (you don't need to install sass, since it's already there as npm dependency on the project)


  • installation command: npm install
  • run command: gulp webserver

Setup (before first run)

  • install npm and bower dependencies npm install


  • go to your project folder cd to/your/folder
  • use the command 'gulp websever' to start the application on port 8080

Directory structure and important files

app/                //your app
-- ng/              // your angular app (js-files and html-templates)
---- components/    // your components (services, directives etc.)
---- views/         // your views. each view folder has it's own url
-- sass/            // all scss files and libraries
---- screen.scss    // your main scss file. this sould be the only non-partial file
bower_components/   // bower components
node_modules/       // npm modules
public/             // this is the root of your (public) website. Do not put stuff there that is not intended for the client
-- index.html       // entry point of the application. **There's only one html page in your application**
-- js/              // your js files
---- app.js         // your (eventually minified and sourcemapped) angular app. Created from the files in your app/ directory by gulp
---- templates.js   // your angular templates. Created by gulp
-- cs/              // css files. created from your sass sources
-- img/             // images
-- libs/            // third party libs
----libs.js         // all javascript libs (eventually minified)
gulpfile.js         // gulp task specifications
package.json        // npm dependencies information (this belongs into source control)
bower.json          // bower dependencies information (this belongs into source control)



Language:JavaScript 98.4%Language:CSS 1.2%Language:HTML 0.4%