akarca / hazinses

Application for sending asynchronous email via celery through Amazon SES and avoid sending mail to bounce and complaint emails

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




Hazinses is a django app, that helps you to send asynchronous email via celery through Amazon-SES. The biggest problem is complaint and bounce emails that come as feedback from amazon services. Those emails cause you to be reported as Hard Bounce in case you keep sending emails and prevent forever you to send email to that user again.


  1. install hazinses app

    pip install hazinses

make sure that you installed hazinses requirements

['boto', 'djcelery']
  1. Add hazinses into your INSTALLED_APPS

    INSTALLED_APPS += ('hazinses')

  2. Add hazinses to your urls.py

    url(r'^hazinses/', include('hazinses.urls')),

  3. Set following settings to your settings.py


  4. Sync your Database

    python manage.py syncdb

  5. RUN CELERY...

    python manage.py celeryd

  6. Use send_email as following in your code. This will make you send async email through your AWS SES account. In case, you receiver any bounce or complaint notifications, it will prevent you to send email again to that user again.

    from hazinses.tasks import send_email

    send_email.delay(subject, body,from_email, to_email, mail_save_subject)


thanks to serdarakarca


Application for sending asynchronous email via celery through Amazon SES and avoid sending mail to bounce and complaint emails