akar43 / lsm

Code for Learnt Stereo Machines based on the NIPS 2017 paper

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ImportError: cannot import name _hough_circle

wanyiming2017 opened this issue · comments

hi, when I run lsm, it shows

ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1 from shapenet import ShapeNet
2 # Read data
3 dset = ShapeNet(im_dir=im_dir, split_file=os.path.join(SAMPLE_DIR, 'splits_sample.json'), rng_seed=1)
4 test_mids = dset.get_smids('test')

/home/cloud/Downloads/lsm-master/shapenet.py in ()
9 from config import SHAPENET_IM
---> 10 from loader import read_camera, read_depth, read_im, read_quat, read_vol

/home/cloud/Downloads/lsm-master/loader.py in ()
3 from scipy.io import loadmat
4 from skimage.io import imread
----> 5 from skimage.transform import resize

/home/cloud/Downloads/lsm-master/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/skimage/transform/init.py in ()
----> 1 from .hough_transform import (hough_line, hough_line_peaks,
2 probabilistic_hough_line, hough_circle,
3 hough_circle_peaks, hough_ellipse)
4 from .radon_transform import (radon, iradon, iradon_sart,
5 order_angles_golden_ratio)

/home/cloud/Downloads/lsm-master/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/skimage/transform/hough_transform.py in ()
2 from scipy import ndimage
3 from .. import measure
----> 4 from ._hough_transform import (_hough_circle,
5 _hough_ellipse,
6 _hough_line,

ImportError: cannot import name _hough_circle

Hey. This seems like an error on the dependencies for scikit-image. I found this issue which suggests that the requirements for scikit-image may not be properly installed. Could try installing matplotlib (pip install matplotlib) in the virtualenv and see if it fixes the problem?

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