akamai / terraform-provider-akamai

Terraform Akamai provider

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DXE-3506 Invalid behaviour when renaming GTM property

findmyname666 opened this issue · comments

Terraform Version

$ terraform -v
Terraform v1.4.6
on linux_amd64

Provider version: 5.5.0.

Affected Resource(s)


Terraform Configuration Files

Testing code to created GTM property:

resource "akamai_gtm_property" "this" {
  domain                 = var.domain_name
  name                   = "tfexample"
  type                   = "performance"
  score_aggregation_type = "worst"
  handout_limit          = 5
  handout_mode           = "normal"

  traffic_target {
    datacenter_id = 1
    enabled       = true
    weight        = 100
    servers       = ["_replace_this_with_real_value_"]
    handout_cname = "_replace_this_with_real_value"

  liveness_test {
    name                             = "lt5"
    test_interval                    = 40
    test_object_protocol             = "HTTP"
    test_timeout                     = 30
    answers_required                 = false
    disable_nonstandard_port_warning = false
    error_penalty                    = 0
    http_error3xx                    = false
    http_error4xx                    = false
    http_error5xx                    = false
    disabled                         = false
    http_header {
      name  = "test_name"
      value = "test_value"
    peer_certificate_verification = false
    recursion_requested           = false
    request_string                = ""
    resource_type                 = ""
    response_string               = ""
    ssl_client_certificate        = ""
    ssl_client_private_key        = ""
    test_object                   = "/junk"
    test_object_password          = ""
    test_object_port              = 1
    test_object_username          = ""
    timeout_penalty               = 0

  failover_delay   = 0
  failback_delay   = 0
  wait_on_complete = true

Apply was successful and property was created.
Later I decided to changed property name.
I changed the name in the code:

resource "akamai_gtm_property" "this" {
  domain                 = var.domain_name
  name                   = "tfexample2"
  type                   = "performance"
  score_aggregation_type = "worst"
  handout_limit          = 5
  handout_mode           = "normal"

  traffic_target {
    datacenter_id = 1
    enabled       = true
    weight        = 100
    servers       = ["_replace_this_with_real_value_"]
    handout_cname = "_replace_this_with_real_value"

  liveness_test {
    name                             = "lt5"
    test_interval                    = 40
    test_object_protocol             = "HTTP"
    test_timeout                     = 30
    answers_required                 = false
    disable_nonstandard_port_warning = false
    error_penalty                    = 0
    http_error3xx                    = false
    http_error4xx                    = false
    http_error5xx                    = false
    disabled                         = false
    http_header {
      name  = "test_name"
      value = "test_value"
    peer_certificate_verification = false
    recursion_requested           = false
    request_string                = ""
    resource_type                 = ""
    response_string               = ""
    ssl_client_certificate        = ""
    ssl_client_private_key        = ""
    test_object                   = "/junk"
    test_object_password          = ""
    test_object_port              = 1
    test_object_username          = ""
    timeout_penalty               = 0

  failover_delay   = 0
  failback_delay   = 0
  wait_on_complete = true

Provider reports changes:

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # akamai_gtm_property.this will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "akamai_gtm_property" "this" {
        id                          = "edeng.stable-int.nbcuott.com.akadns.net:tfexample"
      ~ name                        = "tfexample" -> "tfexample2"
        # (24 unchanged attributes hidden)

        # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.

Apply was successful. However both properties are visible in UI e.g. tfexample and tfexample2.
The expected behaviour would be that property tfexample is destroyed and a new property tfexample2 would be created.

Ok so what now ... I tried to destroy the property with terraform destroy. Displayed changes:

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  - destroy

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # akamai_gtm_property.this will be destroyed
  - resource "akamai_gtm_property" "this" {
      - balance_by_download_score   = false -> null
      - domain                      = "_reducted_" -> null
      - dynamic_ttl                 = 300 -> null
      - failback_delay              = 0 -> null
      - failover_delay              = 0 -> null
      - ghost_demand_reporting      = false -> null
      - handout_limit               = 5 -> null
      - handout_mode                = "normal" -> null
      - health_max                  = 0 -> null
      - health_multiplier           = 0 -> null
      - health_threshold            = 0 -> null
      - id                          = "_reducted_:tfexample" -> null
      - ipv6                        = false -> null
      - load_imbalance_percentage   = 0 -> null
      - max_unreachable_penalty     = 0 -> null
      - min_live_fraction           = 0 -> null
      - name                        = "tfexample" -> null
      - score_aggregation_type      = "worst" -> null
      - stickiness_bonus_constant   = 0 -> null
      - stickiness_bonus_percentage = 0 -> null
      - type                        = "performance" -> null
      - unreachable_threshold       = 0 -> null
      - use_computed_targets        = false -> null
      - wait_on_complete            = true -> null
      - weighted_hash_bits_for_ipv4 = 0 -> null
      - weighted_hash_bits_for_ipv6 = 0 -> null

      - liveness_test {
          - answers_required                 = false -> null
          - disable_nonstandard_port_warning = false -> null
          - disabled                         = false -> null
          - error_penalty                    = 0 -> null
          - http_error3xx                    = false -> null
          - http_error4xx                    = false -> null
          - http_error5xx                    = false -> null
          - name                             = "lt5" -> null
          - peer_certificate_verification    = false -> null
          - recursion_requested              = false -> null
          - test_interval                    = 40 -> null
          - test_object                      = "/junk" -> null
          - test_object_port                 = 1 -> null
          - test_object_protocol             = "HTTP" -> null
          - test_timeout                     = 30 -> null
          - timeout_penalty                  = 0 -> null

          - http_header {
              - name  = "test_name" -> null
              - value = "test_value" -> null

      - traffic_target {
          - datacenter_id = 1 -> null
          - enabled       = true -> null
          - handout_cname = "_reducted_" -> null
          - servers       = [
              - "_reducted_",
            ] -> null
          - weight        = 100 -> null

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.

tfexample property was destroyed but tfexample2 property still exists.

Hi @findmyname666

Thank you for raising this issue. We were able to reproduce it and created internal ticket to fix it.


Hi, fix for this was part of recent relese 5.6.0.