akamai / terraform-provider-akamai

Terraform Akamai provider

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Bypass List Not Added To Match Target

billvangos opened this issue · comments

Terraform Version

Terraform v1.4.0

Affected Resource

  • akamai_appsec_match_target

Terraform Configuration Files

provider "akamai" {
  edgerc         = "~/.edgerc"
  config_section = "default"

data "akamai_appsec_configuration" "config" {
  name = "Testing Config"

resource "akamai_appsec_match_target" "match_target" {
  config_id              = data.akamai_appsec_configuration.config.id
  match_target           =  jsonencode(
      type = "website"
      hostnames = ["testing-hostname.com"]
      securityPolicy = {
        policyId = "test_111111"
      byPassNetworkLists = [
            id = "11111_IPBYPASSLIST"
      filePaths = [ "/*" ]

Debug Output


Expected Behavior

The apply is successful and the bypass network list is added to the match target configuration.

Actual Behavior

The apply is successful and the bypass network list is not added to the match target configuration.

Steps to Reproduce

Please list the steps required to reproduce the issue, for example:

  1. terraform apply

Important Factoidz

Subsequent applies will detect that the bylass network list is missing and attempt to recreate it.

casing on bypassNetworkLists was incorrect, closing.

Hi @billvangos,

As I understand it correctly from your last comment, this issue is not valid. I am closing it, please reopen if necessary.

Best regards,
Tatiana Slonimskaia