akamai / cli-terraform

Akamai CLI plugin Admin Support for multiple OpenAPI resource types

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DXE-2299 Depreciated generation warning on group.name

fartbagxp opened this issue · comments


When running akamai terraform, it generates code with depreciated attribute warning on a group name when running terraform plan after terraform import <resource> when running terraform on the generated code.

 Warning: Deprecated attribute
│   on property.tf line 22, in data "akamai_contract" "contract":
│   22:   group_name = data.akamai_group.group.name
│ The attribute "name" is deprecated. Refer to the provider documentation for details.
│ (and one more similar warning elsewhere

Terraform version

Terraform v1.3.7

Akamai CLI version

akamai version 1.5.3

Akamai CLI Terraform version:

akamai terraform version 1.3.1

Hello @fartbagxp

Thank You for opening the issue.
Can You please tell what command You use to generate the config?
The export of config for terraform has a format:
akamai [global flags] terraform command [command flags] [arguments...]
I'm asking about the command part.
Based on the issue 41 I'm assuming it's export-property but please confirm it.

Best regards,

Ah, it's not happening during export-property, it's happening when I run the import.sh script that's produced by export-property.

This is my command I run: akamai terraform export-property --tfworkpath "${folder}" "${name}"

  • the folder is just the folder path
  • the name is the domain I'm trying to export.

Just tested with terraform v1.4.0. Everything looks great. I can properly import properties now.
Ran terraform init followed by terraform import ... in the import.sh file.

This deprecation error no longer shows up.

Import successful!

The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.

Thank you!