ajvb / kala

Modern Job Scheduler

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Panic in Postgres, Mongo Storage

tooolbox opened this issue · comments

The following test will produce a panic in the Postgres and Mongo storage methods:

func TestPersistEpsilon(t *testing.T) {

        db := NewDatabase(dsn) // placeholder for connecting to the applicable database
	defer db.Close()
	cache := job.NewMemoryJobCache(db)

	mockJob := job.GetMockRecurringJobWithSchedule(time.Now().Add(time.Second*1), "PT1H")
	mockJob.Epsilon = "PT1H"
	mockJob.Command = "asdf"
	mockJob.Retries = 2

	err := mockJob.Init(cache)
	if assert.NoError(t, err) {

		err := db.Save(mockJob)
		if assert.NoError(t, err) {

			retrieved, err := db.GetAll()
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {

The panic will look like:

goroutine 33 [running]:
github.com/ajvb/kala/utils/iso8601.(*Duration).ToDuration(0x0, 0x365d6390000dfcb0)
	/Users/me/git/kala/utils/iso8601/iso8601.go:129 +0x26
github.com/ajvb/kala/job.(*JobRunner).shouldRetry(0xc0000dff38, 0x6aaa84c04)
	/Users/me/git/kala/job/runner.go:180 +0x5d
github.com/ajvb/kala/job.(*JobRunner).Run(0xc0000dff38, 0x1598120, 0xc0000a2fc0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
	/Users/me/git/kala/job/runner.go:68 +0x425
github.com/ajvb/kala/job.(*Job).Run(0xc00024e000, 0x1598120, 0xc0000a2fc0)
	/Users/me/git/kala/job/job.go:434 +0x10e
created by github.com/ajvb/kala/job.(*Job).Init
	/Users/me/git/kala/job/job.go:195 +0x535
FAIL	github.com/ajvb/kala/job/storage/mysql	28.677s

The real-world scenario where this occurs is: creating a job with a longish Epsilon, running once and failing, then rebooting the service. Panic will occur on startup when the cache is re-loading the jobs from the db and starts firing them off.

The root cause is not calling InitDelayDuration() on jobs when retrieving them from the database. If this isn't done, any job with an Epsilon will cause this panic.

From reading the source, these storage drivers call InitDelayDuration() correctly:

  • boltdb
  • consul
  • redis

These do not:

  • mongo
  • postgres