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넥쏘 차량 인식

nara1111 opened this issue · comments

apilot에서 carrotpilot으로 옮겼는데 넥쏘 인식이 안되어서요.

지금 보니, 기어인식 코드 (carstate) 는 있는 듯 하네요.
아래 메시지가 나오며 아예 차량 인식이 되지 않습니다.

openpilot Unavailable
Waiting for controls to start

select your car 에서 NEXO 선택 하였는데도, 인식이 안되더라구요!

ㅎㅎ 회사라 ssh와 팀뷰어 모두 연결이 어려울 듯 합니다.
시간 되실 때 알려주시면 말씀드리겠습니다.

아... fingerprints.py 안에 NEXO 항목이 없는 듯 하네요! 혹시 의도하신 걸까요?
(기존 apilot과 비교중입니다 ㅎㅎ)

헛... 일단 제 저장소로 포크한 버전에 옮겨보고 있습니다 ㅎㅎㅎ
(그나저나 제 콤마3는 밴먹어서... 핑거프린트 찾기가 어렵더라구요 ㅠㅠ)

당근맨 연결후 tmux로그를 복사하면 원인을 금방찾을수 있습니다..

당근맨 앱이 새로 나왔군요! 해당 앱 써서 확인해보겠습니다.

Found 306 source text(s) (36 new and 270 already existing)
Same-text heuristic provided 1 translation(s)

Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/lateral_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/lat_cost/lat_ cost_y_e_fun.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/lateral_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/lat_cost/lat_
cost_y_fun.os' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/lateral_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/lat_cost/lat_ cost_y_0_fun.os' from cache Scanning directory '/data/openpilot/selfdrive/ui'... Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/lateral_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/acados_ocp_so
lver_pyx.c' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/acados_o cp_solver_pyx.c' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/lateral_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/libacados_ocp
_solver_lat.so' from cache
Updating 'selfdrive/ui/translations/main_ar.ts'...
Found 306 source text(s) (36 new and 270 already existing)
Same-text heuristic provided 2 translation(s)
Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/acados_s olver_long.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_mod
el/long_expl_ode_fun.os' from cache
Scanning directory '/data/openpilot/selfdrive/ui'...
Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/lateral_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/acados_ocp_so lver_pyx.o' from cache Updating 'selfdrive/ui/translations/main_th.ts'... Found 306 source text(s) (36 new and 270 already existing) Same-text heuristic provided 2 translation(s) Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/acados_o
cp_solver_pyx.o' from cache
Scanning directory '/data/openpilot/selfdrive/ui'...
Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_cos t/long_cost_y_fun_jac_ut_xt.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_mod
el/long_expl_vde_forw.os' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_cos t/long_cost_y_hess.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_cos
t/long_cost_y_e_fun.os' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_cos t/long_cost_y_fun.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/lateral_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/acados_ocp_so
lver_pyx.so' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_cos t/long_cost_y_e_fun_jac_ut_xt.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_cos
t/long_cost_y_e_hess.os' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_cos t/long_cost_y_0_fun.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_cos
t/long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt.os' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_cos t/long_cost_y_0_hess.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_con
straints/long_constr_h_fun.os' from cache
Updating 'selfdrive/ui/translations/main_zh-CHT.ts'...
Found 306 source text(s) (36 new and 270 already existing)
Same-text heuristic provided 2 translation(s)
Scanning directory '/data/openpilot/selfdrive/ui'...
Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/long_con straints/long_constr_h_fun_jac_uxt_zt.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/locationd/models/generated/live.cpp' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/locationd/models/generated/live.h' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/locationd/models/generated/live_kf_constants.h' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/locationd/models/generated/car.cpp' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/locationd/models/generated/car.h' from cache
Updating 'selfdrive/ui/translations/main_zh-CHS.ts'...
Found 306 source text(s) (36 new and 270 already existing)
Same-text heuristic provided 2 translation(s)
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/models/commonmodel.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/locationd/models/generated/car.os' from cache
Scanning directory '/data/openpilot/selfdrive/ui'...
Retrieved selfdrive/locationd/models/generated/live.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/locationd/models/live_kf.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/locationd/locationd.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/libacado
s_ocp_solver_long.so' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/transforms/loadyuv.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/transforms/transform.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/controls/lib/longitudinal_mpc_lib/c_generated_code/acados_o cp_solver_pyx.so' from cache Updating 'selfdrive/ui/translations/main_ko.ts'... Found 306 source text(s) (18 new and 288 already existing) Kept 12 obsolete entries Same-text heuristic provided 8 translation(s) Scanning directory '/data/openpilot/selfdrive/ui'... Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/thneed/thneed_common.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/thneed/serialize.os' from cache
Updating 'selfdrive/ui/translations/main_ja.ts'...
Found 306 source text(s) (36 new and 270 already existing)
Same-text heuristic provided 2 translation(s)
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/libsnpemodel.a' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/translations/main_en.qm' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/locationd/models/generated/libcar.so' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/libcommonmodel.a' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/locationd/models/generated/liblive.so' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/translations/main_de.qm' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/thneed/thneed_qcom2.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/translations/main_fr.qm' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/translations/main_pt-BR.qm' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/translations/main_tr.qm' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/runners/thneedmodel.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/translations/main_ar.qm' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/translations/main_th.qm' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/translations/main_zh-CHT.qm' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/libthneed.so' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/translations/main_zh-CHS.qm' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/translations/main_ko.qm' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/translations/main_ja.qm' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/models/commonmodel_pyx.cpp' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/models/supercombo.thneed' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/models/commonmodel_pyx.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/libthneedmodel.a' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/assets/assets.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/locationd/locationd' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/models/supercombo_metadata.pkl' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/models/commonmodel_pyx.so' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/runners/runmodel_pyx.cpp' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel_pyx.cpp' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/runners/thneedmodel_pyx.cpp' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/runners/thneedmodel_pyx.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel_pyx.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/runners/runmodel_pyx.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/navd/map_renderer.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/navd/moc_map_renderer.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/navd/moc_map_renderer.os' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/runners/runmodel_pyx.so' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel_pyx.so' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/modeld/runners/thneedmodel_pyx.so' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/ui.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/input.o' from cache
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Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/keyboard.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/scrollview.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/cameraview.o' from cache Retrieved third_party/qrcode/QrCode.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/request_repeater.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/qt_window.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/network/networking.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/network/wifi_manager.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/map_helpers.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/map_settings.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/map.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/map_panel.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/map_eta.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/map_instructions.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/moc_ui.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_input.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_wifi.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_ssh_keys.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_wifi.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_ssh_keys.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_input.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/moc_ui.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_controls.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_toggle.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_prime.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_offroad_alerts.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_prime.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_offroad_alerts.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_controls.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_toggle.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_keyboard.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_scrollview.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_cameraview.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/network/moc_networking.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/network/moc_networking.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_keyboard.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_scrollview.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/widgets/moc_cameraview.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/network/moc_wifi_manager.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/moc_map_settings.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/moc_map.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/moc_map_panel.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/moc_map_panel.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/moc_map.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/moc_map_settings.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/network/moc_wifi_manager.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/moc_map_eta.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/moc_map_instructions.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/api.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/util.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/moc_map_instructions.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/maps/moc_map_eta.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_api.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_util.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/navd/main.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/assets.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/main.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/moc_paint.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_util.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_api.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/libqt_widgets.a' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/moc_paint.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/paint.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/body.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/home.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/qt_window.os' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/libqt_util.a' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_body.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_home.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_onroad.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_sidebar.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_spinner.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_onroad.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_sidebar.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_home.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_spinner.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/driverview.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/experimental_mode.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_body.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_window.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/moc_window.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/moc_driverview.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/moc_experimental_mode.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/moc_onboarding.cc' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/moc_settings.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/onboarding.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/settings.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/moc_settings.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/moc_onboarding.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/moc_driverview.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/moc_experimental_mode.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/navd/libmaprender.so' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/libpython_helpers.so' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/offroad/software_settings.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/onroad.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/navd/mapsd' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/screenrecorder/moc_screenrecorder.cc' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/sidebar.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/screenrecorder/screenrecorder.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/screenrecorder/omx_encoder.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/spinner.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/text.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/screenrecorder/moc_screenrecorder.o' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/window.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/spinner' from cache Retrieved selfdrive/ui/qt/text' from cache
Retrieved third_party/nanovg/nanovg.o' from cache Retrieved system/camerad/main.o' from cache
Retrieved selfdrive/ui/ui' from cache Retrieved system/camerad/cameras/camera_qcom2.o' from cache
Retrieved system/camerad/cameras/camera_common.o' from cache Retrieved system/camerad/cameras/camera_util.o' from cache
Retrieved system/camerad/sensors/ar0231.o' from cache Retrieved system/camerad/sensors/ox03c10.o' from cache
Retrieved system/camerad/sensors/os04c10.o' from cache Retrieved system/camerad/camerad' from cache
Retrieved system/logcatd/logcatd_systemd.o' from cache Retrieved system/loggerd/bootlog.o' from cache
Retrieved system/loggerd/logger.o' from cache Retrieved system/loggerd/video_writer.o' from cache
Retrieved system/loggerd/encoder/encoder.o' from cache Retrieved system/loggerd/encoder/v4l_encoder.o' from cache
Retrieved system/loggerd/liblogger.a' from cache Retrieved system/logcatd/logcatd' from cache
Retrieved system/loggerd/encoderd.o' from cache Retrieved system/loggerd/loggerd.o' from cache
Retrieved system/proclogd/main.o' from cache Retrieved system/loggerd/loggerd' from cache
Retrieved system/loggerd/bootlog' from cache Retrieved system/loggerd/encoderd' from cache
Retrieved system/proclogd/proclog.o' from cache Retrieved system/sensord/sensors_qcom2.o' from cache
Retrieved system/sensord/sensors/i2c_sensor.o' from cache Retrieved system/proclogd/proclogd' from cache
Retrieved system/sensord/sensors/bmx055_accel.o' from cache Retrieved system/sensord/sensors/bmx055_gyro.o' from cache
Retrieved system/sensord/sensors/bmx055_magn.o' from cache Retrieved system/sensord/sensors/bmx055_temp.o' from cache
Retrieved system/sensord/sensors/lsm6ds3_accel.o' from cache Retrieved system/sensord/sensors/lsm6ds3_gyro.o' from cache
Retrieved system/sensord/sensors/lsm6ds3_temp.o' from cache Retrieved system/sensord/sensors/mmc5603nj_magn.o' from cache
Retrieved system/ubloxd/generated/glonass.o' from cache Retrieved system/ubloxd/generated/gps.o' from cache
Retrieved system/ubloxd/generated/ubx.o' from cache Retrieved system/ubloxd/ublox_msg.o' from cache
Retrieved system/ubloxd/ubloxd.o' from cache Retrieved system/sensord/sensord' from cache
Retrieved third_party/kaitai/kaitaistream.o' from cache Retrieved third_party/libkaitai.a' from cache
Retrieved `system/ubloxd/ubloxd' from cache
scons: done building targets.
system/loggerd/bootlog.cc: bootlog to /data/media/0/realdata/boot/00000001--5666
selfdrive/ui/translations/main_ar.ts: needs update
selfdrive/ui/translations/main_de.ts: needs update
selfdrive/ui/translations/main_fr.ts: needs update
selfdrive/ui/translations/main_ja.ts: needs update
selfdrive/ui/translations/main_ko.ts: needs update
selfdrive/ui/translations/main_pt-BR.ts: needs update
selfdrive/ui/translations/main_th.ts: needs update
selfdrive/ui/translations/main_tr.ts: needs update
selfdrive/ui/translations/main_zh-CHS.ts: needs update
selfdrive/ui/translations/main_zh-CHT.ts: needs update
get_T_FOLLOW no!!!
get_T_FOLLOW no!!!

  • Serving Flask app 'selfdrive.frogpilot.fleetmanager.fleet_manager'
  • Debug mode: off
    RoadLimitSpeed Started.....
    AutoNaviSpeed != 3
    gbm_create_device(156): Info: backend name is: msm_drm
    : libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    : libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
    Use a production WSGI server instead.
  • Running on all addresses (
  • Running on
  • Running on
    Press CTRL+C to quit
    selfdrive/ui/qt/network/wifi_manager.cc: Changing gsm.auto-config to true
    selfdrive/ui/qt/network/wifi_manager.cc: Changing gsm.home-only to true
    selfdrive/ui/qt/network/wifi_manager.cc: Changing connection.metered to 0
    Enable TetheringConnection()
    configuring modem
    : QPixmap::scaleWidth: Pixmap is a null pixmap
    : QPixmap::scaleWidth: Pixmap is a null pixmap
    : QPixmap::scaleWidth: Pixmap is a null pixmap
    : QPixmap::scaleWidth: Pixmap is a null pixmap
    : QPixmap::scaleWidth: Pixmap is a null pixmap
    Successfully set initial EPS bearer properties
    Panda 3f0055001751393037323631 connected, version: DEV-1234567d-DEBUG, signature
    14af4590d34f3e72, expected 14af4590d34f3e72
    USB connect error
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/data/openpilot/panda/python/init.py", line 388, in usb_connect
    File "/usr/local/pyenv/versions/3.11.4/lib/python3.11/site-packages/usb1/ini
    .py", line 1146, in claimInterface
    File "/usr/local/pyenv/versions/3.11.4/lib/python3.11/site-packages/usb1/ini
    .py", line 127, in mayRaiseUSBError
    File "/usr/local/pyenv/versions/3.11.4/lib/python3.11/site-packages/usb1/ini
    .py", line 119, in raiseUSBError
    raise __STATUS_TO_EXCEPTION_DICT.get(value, __USBError)(value)
    usb1.USBErrorBusy: LIBUSB_ERROR_BUSY [-6]
    Wed 14 Feb 2024 05:50:51 AM UTC
    : "wl-shell" is a deprecated shell extension, prefer using "xdg-shell-v6" or "xd
    g-shell" if supported by the compositor by setting the environment variable QT_W
    : Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()
    No IRQs found for 'xhci-hcd:usb3'
    selfdrive/boardd/main.cc: starting boardd
    selfdrive/boardd/boardd.cc: launching boardd
    selfdrive/boardd/boardd.cc: connecting to pandas: 3f0055001751393037323631
    selfdrive/boardd/spi.cc: transfer failed, after 7 tries, 702.18ms
    selfdrive/boardd/spi.cc: transfer failed, after 7 tries, 701.92ms
    selfdrive/boardd/spi.cc: transfer failed, after 7 tries, 701.80ms
    selfdrive/boardd/panda.cc: connected to 3f0055001751393037323631 over USB
    selfdrive/boardd/boardd.cc: System time: 2024-02-14 05:50:54, RTC time: 2024-02-
    14 05:50:55
    selfdrive/boardd/boardd.cc: connected to all pandas
    logmessaged timed ui deleter pandad thermald tombstoned updated statsd fleet_man
    ager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    logmessaged timed ui deleter pandad thermald tombstoned updated statsd fleet_man
    ager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    logmessaged timed ui deleter pandad thermald tombstoned updated statsd fleet_man
    ager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    : Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()
    logmessaged timed ui deleter pandad thermald tombstoned updated statsd fleet_man
    ager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    logmessaged timed ui deleter pandad thermald tombstoned updated statsd fleet_man
    ager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    logmessaged timed ui deleter pandad thermald tombstoned updated statsd fleet_man
    ager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    logmessaged timed ui deleter pandad thermald tombstoned updated statsd fleet_man
    ager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    logmessaged timed ui deleter pandad thermald tombstoned updated statsd fleet_man
    ager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    No IRQs found for 'xhci-hcd:usb3'
    waiting for dmonitoringmodeld to initialize
    Waiting for CAN messages...
    selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel.cc: loaded model with size: 4488413
    Getting VIN & FW versions
    Setting OBD multiplexing to True
    system/ubloxd/ubloxd.cc: starting ubloxd
    ################# waiting conntection from CarrotMan route #####################
    child selfdrive.updated got SIGINT
    MESA-LOADER: failed to open msm_drm: /usr/lib/dri/msm_drm_dri.so: cannot open sh
    ared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/aarch64-linux
    -gnu/dri:$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
    failed to load driver: msm_drm
    OBD multiplexing set successfully
    iso-tp query bad response: (1939, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f2231
    selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel.cc: adding index 0: input_img
    selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel.cc: adding index 1: calib
    models loaded, dmonitoringmodeld starting
    system/loggerd/loggerd.cc: logging to /data/media/0/realdata/2024-02-14--05-51-3
    connecting to driver stream
    iso-tp query bad response: (1939, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1878, None) - 0x7f2211
    iso-tp query bad response: (1893, None) - 0x7f2212
    iso-tp query bad response: (1894, None) - 0x7f2211
    iso-tp query bad response: (1923, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1989, None) - 0x7f2212
    iso-tp query bad response: (2019, None) - 0x7f2212
    iso-tp query bad response: (2020, None) - 0x7f2211
    iso-tp query bad response: (1937, None) - 0x7f2213
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f2231
    system.micd lagging by 724.50 ms
    system.micd lagging by 624.69 ms
    system.micd lagging by 524.77 ms
    system.micd lagging by 424.85 ms
    system.micd lagging by 324.92 ms
    system.micd lagging by 224.99 ms
    system.micd lagging by 125.06 ms
    system.micd lagging by 25.16 ms
    selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel.cc: loaded model with size: 3630942
    : Setting framebuffer size is only available with DRM atomic API
    : Failed to move cursor on screen DSI1: -13
    : Setting framebuffer size is only available with DRM atomic API
    got vin with request=b'\t\x02'
    almanac backup restored
    Sending current time to ublox
    Pigeon GPS on!
    Starting listener for: navd
    selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel.cc: adding index 0: input_img
    models loaded, navmodeld starting
    connected with buffer size: 98304
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    Starting listener for: camerad
    connected with buffer size: 4804608
    system/loggerd/encoderd.cc: encoder road_cam_encoder init 1928x1208
    system/loggerd/encoderd.cc: encoder driver_cam_encoder init 1928x1208
    system/loggerd/encoderd.cc: encoder wide_road_cam_encoder init 1928x1208
    Setting OBD multiplexing to False
    OBD multiplexing set successfully
    Setting OBD multiplexing to True
    ./system/sensord/sensors/i2c_sensor.h: Reading chip ID failed: -107
    IOCTL_KGSL_DRAWCTXT_CREATE: creating context with flags 0x4006ad2
    OBD multiplexing set successfully
    iso-tp query bad response: (2004, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1975, None) - 0x7f2231
    IOCTL_KGSL_DRAWCTXT_CREATE: creating context with flags 0x4006ad2
    Thneed::clinit done
    Thneed::load: loading from /data/openpilot/selfdrive/modeld/models/supercombo.th
    Setting OBD multiplexing to False
    OBD multiplexing set successfully
    Thneed::load: adding input features_buffer with size 202752
    Thneed::load: adding input nav_instructions with size 600
    Thneed::load: adding input nav_features with size 1024
    Thneed::load: adding input prev_desired_curv with size 400
    Thneed::load: adding input lateral_control_params with size 8
    Thneed::load: adding input traffic_convention with size 8
    Thneed::load: adding input desire with size 3200
    Thneed::load: adding input big_input_imgs with size 1572864
    Thneed::load: adding input input_imgs with size 1572864
    Thneed::save: adding output with size 26016
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f2231
    models loaded, modeld starting
    iso-tp query bad response: (1969, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1975, None) - 0x7f2231
    vision stream set up, main_wide_camera: False, use_extra_client: True
    connected main cam with buffer size: 4804608 (1928 x 1208)
    connected extra cam with buffer size: 4804608 (1928 x 1208)
    iso-tp query bad response: (1969, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1975, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (2004, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f3e7f
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f3e7f
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f3e7f
    Setting OBD multiplexing to True
    OBD multiplexing set successfully
    iso-tp query bad response: (1862, None) - 0x7f2231
    Setting OBD multiplexing to False
    OBD multiplexing set successfully
    VIN KMHJ8816FRU035087
    selfdrive/boardd/boardd.cc: finished FW query
    selfdrive/boardd/boardd.cc: waiting for params to set safety model
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    {"event": "fingerprinted", "car_fingerprint": null, "source": 0, "fuzzy": false,
    "cached": false, "fw_count": 13, "ecu_responses": [[2012, null, 1], [1983, null
    , 1], [1996, null, 1], [1977, null, 1], [2008, null, 1], [2012, null, 0], [2009,
    null, 1], [1996, null, 0], [1977, null, 0], [1983, null, 0], [1870, null, 1], [
    2008, null, 0]], "vin_rx_addr": 2024, "vin_rx_bus": 1, "fingerprints": "{0: {320
    : 8, 1315: 8, 908: 8, 1316: 8, 352: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 544: 8, 832: 8, 881: 8, 8
    82: 8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 145: 8, 146: 8, 512: 6, 304: 8, 1298: 8, 1324: 8, 1419: 8
    , 593: 8, 688: 5, 897: 8, 1265: 4, 905: 8, 909: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 912: 7, 128
    0: 1, 916: 8, 1151: 8, 1136: 8, 1162: 8, 1292: 8, 1174: 8, 1268: 8, 1078: 4, 115
    7: 4, 1168: 7, 1297: 8, 1305: 8, 1342: 6, 1437: 8, 1156: 8, 1291: 8, 1312: 8, 12
    20: 8, 1345: 8, 1219: 8, 1355: 8, 1429: 8, 1430: 8, 1535: 8, 1173: 8, 1183: 8, 1
    193: 8, 1294: 8, 1227: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1460: 8, 1484: 8, 1287: 4,
    1222: 6, 1223: 8, 1224: 8, 1322: 8, 1456: 4, 1427: 6, 1155: 8, 1290: 8, 1520: 8,
    1164: 8, 1507: 8, 127: 8, 1210: 8, 1180: 8, 1371: 8, 1191: 2, 1192: 8, 1470: 8,
    1121: 8, 1230: 6, 1231: 6, 1407: 8, 1186: 2}, 1: {513: 8, 514: 8, 515: 8, 516:
    8, 517: 8, 522: 8, 523: 8, 524: 8, 568: 8, 571: 8, 574: 8, 577: 8, 580: 8, 583:
    8, 586: 8, 589: 8, 569: 8, 572: 8, 575: 8, 578: 8, 581: 8, 584: 8, 587: 8, 590:
    8, 570: 8, 573: 8, 576: 8, 579: 8, 582: 8, 585: 8, 588: 8, 591: 8, 614: 8, 615:
    8, 616: 8, 617: 8, 618: 8, 621: 8, 622: 8, 623: 8, 1248: 8, 1249: 8, 1250: 8, 12
    51: 8, 1252: 8, 1253: 8, 1280: 8, 1281: 8, 1282: 8, 1283: 8, 1284: 8, 1285: 8, 1
    286: 8, 1287: 8, 1288: 8, 1289: 8, 1290: 8, 1291: 8, 1292: 8, 1293: 8, 1294: 8,
    1295: 8, 1296: 8, 1297: 8, 1298: 8, 1299: 8, 1300: 8, 1301: 8, 1302: 8, 1303: 8,
    1304: 8, 1305: 8, 1306: 8, 1307: 8, 1308: 8, 1309: 8, 1310: 8, 1311: 8, 1530: 8
    }, 2: {320: 8, 1315: 8, 908: 8, 1316: 8, 352: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 544: 8, 832: 8,
    881: 8, 882: 8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 145: 8, 146: 8, 512: 6, 304: 8, 1298: 8, 1324:
    8, 1419: 8, 593: 8, 688: 5, 897: 8, 1265: 4, 905: 8, 909: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 9
    12: 7, 1280: 1, 916: 8, 1151: 8, 1136: 8, 1162: 8, 1292: 8, 1174: 8, 1268: 8, 10
    78: 4, 1157: 4, 1168: 7, 1297: 8, 1305: 8, 1342: 6, 1437: 8, 1156: 8, 1291: 8, 1
    312: 8, 1220: 8, 1345: 8, 1219: 8, 1355: 8, 1429: 8, 1430: 8, 1535: 8, 1173: 8,
    1183: 8, 1193: 8, 1294: 8, 1227: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1460: 8, 1484: 8,
    1287: 4, 1222: 6, 1223: 8, 1224: 8, 1322: 8, 1456: 4, 1427: 6, 1155: 8, 1290: 8
    , 1520: 8, 1164: 8, 1507: 8, 127: 8, 1210: 8, 1180: 8, 1371: 8, 1191: 2, 1192: 8
    , 1470: 8, 1121: 8, 1230: 6, 1231: 6, 1407: 8, 1186: 2}, 3: {}, 4: {}, 5: {}, 6:
    {}, 7: {}}", "fw_query_time": 5.249031663999986, "error": true}
    {"event": "car doesn't match any fingerprints", "fingerprints": "{0: {320: 8, 13
    15: 8, 908: 8, 1316: 8, 352: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 544: 8, 832: 8, 881: 8, 882: 8,
    902: 8, 903: 8, 145: 8, 146: 8, 512: 6, 304: 8, 1298: 8, 1324: 8, 1419: 8, 593:
    8, 688: 5, 897: 8, 1265: 4, 905: 8, 909: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 912: 7, 1280: 1, 9
    16: 8, 1151: 8, 1136: 8, 1162: 8, 1292: 8, 1174: 8, 1268: 8, 1078: 4, 1157: 4, 1
    168: 7, 1297: 8, 1305: 8, 1342: 6, 1437: 8, 1156: 8, 1291: 8, 1312: 8, 1220: 8,
    1345: 8, 1219: 8, 1355: 8, 1429: 8, 1430: 8, 1535: 8, 1173: 8, 1183: 8, 1193: 8,
    1294: 8, 1227: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1460: 8, 1484: 8, 1287: 4, 1222: 6
    , 1223: 8, 1224: 8, 1322: 8, 1456: 4, 1427: 6, 1155: 8, 1290: 8, 1520: 8, 1164:
    8, 1507: 8, 127: 8, 1210: 8, 1180: 8, 1371: 8, 1191: 2, 1192: 8, 1470: 8, 1121:
    8, 1230: 6, 1231: 6, 1407: 8, 1186: 2}, 1: {513: 8, 514: 8, 515: 8, 516: 8, 517:
    8, 522: 8, 523: 8, 524: 8, 568: 8, 571: 8, 574: 8, 577: 8, 580: 8, 583: 8, 586:
    8, 589: 8, 569: 8, 572: 8, 575: 8, 578: 8, 581: 8, 584: 8, 587: 8, 590: 8, 570:
    8, 573: 8, 576: 8, 579: 8, 582: 8, 585: 8, 588: 8, 591: 8, 614: 8, 615: 8, 616:
    8, 617: 8, 618: 8, 621: 8, 622: 8, 623: 8, 1248: 8, 1249: 8, 1250: 8, 1251: 8,
    1252: 8, 1253: 8, 1280: 8, 1281: 8, 1282: 8, 1283: 8, 1284: 8, 1285: 8, 1286: 8,
    1287: 8, 1288: 8, 1289: 8, 1290: 8, 1291: 8, 1292: 8, 1293: 8, 1294: 8, 1295: 8
    , 1296: 8, 1297: 8, 1298: 8, 1299: 8, 1300: 8, 1301: 8, 1302: 8, 1303: 8, 1304:
    8, 1305: 8, 1306: 8, 1307: 8, 1308: 8, 1309: 8, 1310: 8, 1311: 8, 1530: 8}, 2: {
    320: 8, 1315: 8, 908: 8, 1316: 8, 352: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 544: 8, 832: 8, 881: 8
    , 882: 8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 145: 8, 146: 8, 512: 6, 304: 8, 1298: 8, 1324: 8, 1419
    : 8, 593: 8, 688: 5, 897: 8, 1265: 4, 905: 8, 909: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 912: 7,
    1280: 1, 916: 8, 1151: 8, 1136: 8, 1162: 8, 1292: 8, 1174: 8, 1268: 8, 1078: 4,
    1157: 4, 1168: 7, 1297: 8, 1305: 8, 1342: 6, 1437: 8, 1156: 8, 1291: 8, 1312: 8,
    1220: 8, 1345: 8, 1219: 8, 1355: 8, 1429: 8, 1430: 8, 1535: 8, 1173: 8, 1183: 8
    , 1193: 8, 1294: 8, 1227: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1460: 8, 1484: 8, 1287:
    4, 1222: 6, 1223: 8, 1224: 8, 1322: 8, 1456: 4, 1427: 6, 1155: 8, 1290: 8, 1520:
    8, 1164: 8, 1507: 8, 127: 8, 1210: 8, 1180: 8, 1371: 8, 1191: 2, 1192: 8, 1470:
    8, 1121: 8, 1230: 6, 1231: 6, 1407: 8, 1186: 2}, 3: {}, 4: {}, 5: {}, 6: {}, 7:
    {}}", "error": true}
    CarSelected = b'HYUNDAI NEXO'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/manager/process.py", line 40, in lau
    File "/data/openpilot/selfdrive/controls/controlsd.py", line 1024, in main
    controls = Controls()
    File "/data/openpilot/selfdrive/controls/controlsd.py", line 98, in init
    self.CI, self.CP = get_car(self.can_sock, self.pm.sock['sendcan'], experimen
    tal_long_allowed, num_pandas)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/car_helpers.py", line 206, in ge
    CP = CarInterface.get_params(candidate, fingerprints, car_fw, experimental_l
    ong_allowed, docs=False)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/interfaces.py", line 219, in get
    ret = CarInterfaceBase.get_std_params(candidate)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/interfaces.py", line 278, in get
    ret.maxLateralAccel = get_torque_params(candidate)['MAX_LAT_ACCEL_MEASURED']
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/interfaces.py", line 61, in get

    raise NotImplementedError(f"Did not find torque params for {candidate}")
    NotImplementedError: Did not find torque params for HYUNDAI NEXO
    Process controlsd:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/local/pyenv/versions/3.11.4/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/process.
    py", line 314, in _bootstrap
    File "/usr/local/pyenv/versions/3.11.4/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/process.
    py", line 108, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/manager/process.py", line 40, in lau
    File "/data/openpilot/selfdrive/controls/controlsd.py", line 1024, in main
    controls = Controls()
    File "/data/openpilot/selfdrive/controls/controlsd.py", line 98, in init
    self.CI, self.CP = get_car(self.can_sock, self.pm.sock['sendcan'], experimen
    tal_long_allowed, num_pandas)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/car_helpers.py", line 206, in ge
    CP = CarInterface.get_params(candidate, fingerprints, car_fw, experimental_l
    ong_allowed, docs=False)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/interfaces.py", line 219, in get
    ret = CarInterfaceBase.get_std_params(candidate)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/interfaces.py", line 278, in get
    ret.maxLateralAccel = get_torque_params(candidate)['MAX_LAT_ACCEL_MEASURED']
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/interfaces.py", line 61, in get

    raise NotImplementedError(f"Did not find torque params for {candidate}")
    NotImplementedError: Did not find torque params for HYUNDAI NEXO
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    No IRQs found for 'xhci-hcd:usb3'
    child selfdrive.modeld.carrot.carrotmodeld got SIGINT
    system/loggerd/loggerd.cc: closing logger
    child selfdrive.navd.navd got SIGINT
    Storing almanac in ublox flash
    child selfdrive.locationd.torqued got SIGINT
    child selfdrive.modeld.navmodeld got SIGINT
    child selfdrive.controls.plannerd got SIGINT
    child selfdrive.locationd.calibrationd got SIGINT
    child selfdrive.controls.radard got SIGINT
    child selfdrive.locationd.paramsd got SIGINT
    child selfdrive.modeld.modeld got SIGINT
    child system.micd got SIGINT
    child selfdrive.ui.soundd got SIGINT
    Done storing almanac
    system/sensord/sensors/mmc5603nj_magn.cc: Could not disable mmc5603nj auto set r
    Stopping listener for: camerad
    child selfdrive.monitoring.dmonitoringd got SIGINT
    No IRQs found for 'xhci-hcd:usb3'
    waiting for dmonitoringmodeld to initialize
    selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel.cc: loaded model with size: 4488413
    Waiting for CAN messages...
    ################# waiting conntection from CarrotMan route #####################
    Getting VIN & FW versions
    Setting OBD multiplexing to True
    child selfdrive.updated got SIGINT
    system/ubloxd/ubloxd.cc: starting ubloxd
    MESA-LOADER: failed to open msm_drm: /usr/lib/dri/msm_drm_dri.so: cannot open sh
    ared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/aarch64-linux
    -gnu/dri:$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
    failed to load driver: msm_drm
    OBD multiplexing set successfully
    iso-tp query bad response: (1939, None) - 0x7f2231
    selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel.cc: adding index 0: input_img
    selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel.cc: adding index 1: calib
    models loaded, dmonitoringmodeld starting
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f2231
    : Setting framebuffer size is only available with DRM atomic API
    connecting to driver stream
    : Failed to move cursor on screen DSI1: -13
    : Setting framebuffer size is only available with DRM atomic API
    selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel.cc: loaded model with size: 3630942
    Starting listener for: navd
    iso-tp query bad response: (1878, None) - 0x7f2211
    selfdrive/modeld/runners/snpemodel.cc: adding index 0: input_img
    models loaded, navmodeld starting
    connected with buffer size: 98304
    Error processing UDS response: (1892, None)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/isotp_parallel_query.py", line 1
    11, in get_data
    dat, rx_in_progress = msg.recv()
    File "/data/openpilot/panda/python/uds.py", line 455, in recv
    frame_type = self._isotp_rx_next(msg)
    File "/data/openpilot/panda/python/uds.py", line 501, in _isotp_rx_next
    assert self.rx_idx & 0xF == rx_data[0] & 0xF, "isotp - rx: invalid consecuti
    ve frame index"
    AssertionError: isotp - rx: invalid consecutive frame index
    iso-tp query bad response: (1893, None) - 0x7f2212
    iso-tp query bad response: (1894, None) - 0x7f2211
    iso-tp query bad response: (1923, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1939, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1989, None) - 0x7f2212
    iso-tp query bad response: (2019, None) - 0x7f2212
    iso-tp query bad response: (2020, None) - 0x7f2211
    system/loggerd/loggerd.cc: logging to /data/media/0/realdata/2024-02-14--05-51-5
    iso-tp query bad response: (1937, None) - 0x7f2213
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f2231
    system.micd lagging by 611.47 ms
    system.micd lagging by 511.63 ms
    system.micd lagging by 411.73 ms
    system.micd lagging by 311.82 ms
    system.micd lagging by 211.89 ms
    system.micd lagging by 111.97 ms
    system.micd lagging by 12.04 ms
    got vin with request=b'\t\x02'
    Starting listener for: camerad
    almanac backup restored
    Sending current time to ublox
    Pigeon GPS on!
    system/loggerd/encoderd.cc: encoder road_cam_encoder init 1928x1208
    connected with buffer size: 4804608
    system/loggerd/encoderd.cc: encoder driver_cam_encoder init 1928x1208
    system/loggerd/encoderd.cc: encoder wide_road_cam_encoder init 1928x1208
    IOCTL_KGSL_DRAWCTXT_CREATE: creating context with flags 0x4006ad2
    Setting OBD multiplexing to False
    OBD multiplexing set successfully
    ./system/sensord/sensors/i2c_sensor.h: Reading chip ID failed: -107
    IOCTL_KGSL_DRAWCTXT_CREATE: creating context with flags 0x4006ad2
    Thneed::clinit done
    Thneed::load: loading from /data/openpilot/selfdrive/modeld/models/supercombo.th
    Setting OBD multiplexing to True
    Thneed::load: adding input features_buffer with size 202752
    Thneed::load: adding input nav_instructions with size 600
    Thneed::load: adding input nav_features with size 1024
    Thneed::load: adding input prev_desired_curv with size 400
    Thneed::load: adding input lateral_control_params with size 8
    Thneed::load: adding input traffic_convention with size 8
    Thneed::load: adding input desire with size 3200
    Thneed::load: adding input big_input_imgs with size 1572864
    Thneed::load: adding input input_imgs with size 1572864
    Thneed::save: adding output with size 26016
    OBD multiplexing set successfully
    models loaded, modeld starting
    vision stream set up, main_wide_camera: False, use_extra_client: True
    connected main cam with buffer size: 4804608 (1928 x 1208)
    connected extra cam with buffer size: 4804608 (1928 x 1208)
    iso-tp query bad response: (2004, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1975, None) - 0x7f2231
    Setting OBD multiplexing to False
    OBD multiplexing set successfully
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1969, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1975, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1969, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1975, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (2004, None) - 0x7f2231
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f2231
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f3e7f
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f3e7f
    iso-tp query bad response: (1988, None) - 0x7f3e7f
    Setting OBD multiplexing to True
    OBD multiplexing set successfully
    iso-tp query bad response: (1862, None) - 0x7f2231
    Setting OBD multiplexing to False
    OBD multiplexing set successfully
    VIN KMHJ8816FRU035087
    selfdrive/boardd/boardd.cc: finished FW query
    selfdrive/boardd/boardd.cc: waiting for params to set safety model
    {"event": "fingerprinted", "car_fingerprint": null, "source": 0, "fuzzy": false,
    "cached": false, "fw_count": 13, "ecu_responses": [[2012, null, 1], [1983, null
    , 1], [1996, null, 1], [1977, null, 1], [2008, null, 1], [2012, null, 0], [2009,
    null, 1], [1996, null, 0], [1977, null, 0], [1983, null, 0], [1870, null, 1], [
    2008, null, 0]], "vin_rx_addr": 2024, "vin_rx_bus": 1, "fingerprints": "{0: {909
    : 8, 1056: 8, 912: 7, 320: 8, 1057: 8, 1155: 8, 145: 8, 146: 8, 512: 6, 1268: 8,
    339: 8, 352: 8, 356: 4, 544: 8, 832: 8, 881: 8, 882: 8, 916: 8, 1151: 8, 1168:
    7, 1287: 4, 1290: 8, 1315: 8, 1316: 8, 304: 8, 593: 8, 688: 5, 1136: 8, 908: 8,
    902: 8, 903: 8, 1157: 4, 1265: 4, 1342: 6, 897: 8, 905: 8, 1419: 8, 1164: 8, 115
    6: 8, 1191: 2, 1173: 8, 1162: 8, 1078: 4, 1297: 8, 1305: 8, 1291: 8, 1312: 8, 13
    45: 8, 1355: 8, 1429: 8, 1430: 8, 1535: 8, 1222: 6, 1223: 8, 1224: 8, 1298: 8, 1
    324: 8, 1280: 1, 1183: 8, 1193: 8, 1294: 8, 1227: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8,
    1460: 8, 1292: 8, 1180: 8, 1371: 8, 1210: 8, 1174: 8, 1186: 2, 1427: 6, 1230: 6,
    1231: 6, 1322: 8, 1437: 8, 1219: 8, 1220: 8, 1484: 8, 1456: 4, 1507: 8, 1121: 8
    , 1520: 8, 127: 8, 1192: 8, 1470: 8, 1407: 8}, 1: {579: 8, 1248: 8, 582: 8, 1249
    : 8, 585: 8, 1250: 8, 588: 8, 1251: 8, 591: 8, 1252: 8, 614: 8, 1253: 8, 615: 8,
    1280: 8, 616: 8, 1281: 8, 617: 8, 1282: 8, 618: 8, 1283: 8, 621: 8, 1284: 8, 62
    2: 8, 1285: 8, 623: 8, 1286: 8, 1287: 8, 1288: 8, 1289: 8, 1290: 8, 1291: 8, 129
    2: 8, 1293: 8, 1294: 8, 1295: 8, 1296: 8, 1297: 8, 1298: 8, 1299: 8, 1300: 8, 13
    01: 8, 1302: 8, 1303: 8, 1304: 8, 1305: 8, 1306: 8, 1307: 8, 1308: 8, 1309: 8, 1
    310: 8, 1311: 8, 1530: 8, 513: 8, 514: 8, 515: 8, 516: 8, 517: 8, 522: 8, 523: 8
    , 524: 8, 568: 8, 571: 8, 574: 8, 577: 8, 580: 8, 583: 8, 586: 8, 589: 8, 569: 8
    , 572: 8, 575: 8, 578: 8, 581: 8, 584: 8, 587: 8, 590: 8, 570: 8, 573: 8, 576: 8
    }, 2: {909: 8, 1056: 8, 912: 7, 320: 8, 1057: 8, 1155: 8, 145: 8, 146: 8, 512: 6
    , 1268: 8, 339: 8, 352: 8, 356: 4, 544: 8, 832: 8, 881: 8, 882: 8, 916: 8, 1151:
    8, 1168: 7, 1287: 4, 1290: 8, 1315: 8, 1316: 8, 304: 8, 593: 8, 688: 5, 1136: 8
    , 908: 8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 1157: 4, 1265: 4, 1342: 6, 897: 8, 905: 8, 1419: 8, 11
    64: 8, 1156: 8, 1191: 2, 1173: 8, 1162: 8, 1078: 4, 1297: 8, 1305: 8, 1291: 8, 1
    312: 8, 1345: 8, 1355: 8, 1429: 8, 1430: 8, 1535: 8, 1222: 6, 1223: 8, 1224: 8,
    1298: 8, 1324: 8, 1280: 1, 1183: 8, 1193: 8, 1294: 8, 1227: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8,
    1369: 8, 1460: 8, 1292: 8, 1180: 8, 1371: 8, 1210: 8, 1174: 8, 1186: 2, 1427: 6
    , 1230: 6, 1231: 6, 1322: 8, 1437: 8, 1219: 8, 1220: 8, 1484: 8, 1456: 4, 1507:
    8, 1121: 8, 1520: 8, 127: 8, 1192: 8, 1470: 8, 1407: 8}, 3: {}, 4: {}, 5: {}, 6:
    {}, 7: {}}", "fw_query_time": 5.243875154000008, "error": true}
    {"event": "car doesn't match any fingerprints", "fingerprints": "{0: {909: 8, 10
    56: 8, 912: 7, 320: 8, 1057: 8, 1155: 8, 145: 8, 146: 8, 512: 6, 1268: 8, 339: 8
    , 352: 8, 356: 4, 544: 8, 832: 8, 881: 8, 882: 8, 916: 8, 1151: 8, 1168: 7, 1287
    : 4, 1290: 8, 1315: 8, 1316: 8, 304: 8, 593: 8, 688: 5, 1136: 8, 908: 8, 902: 8,
    903: 8, 1157: 4, 1265: 4, 1342: 6, 897: 8, 905: 8, 1419: 8, 1164: 8, 1156: 8, 1
    191: 2, 1173: 8, 1162: 8, 1078: 4, 1297: 8, 1305: 8, 1291: 8, 1312: 8, 1345: 8,
    1355: 8, 1429: 8, 1430: 8, 1535: 8, 1222: 6, 1223: 8, 1224: 8, 1298: 8, 1324: 8,
    1280: 1, 1183: 8, 1193: 8, 1294: 8, 1227: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1460: 8
    , 1292: 8, 1180: 8, 1371: 8, 1210: 8, 1174: 8, 1186: 2, 1427: 6, 1230: 6, 1231:
    6, 1322: 8, 1437: 8, 1219: 8, 1220: 8, 1484: 8, 1456: 4, 1507: 8, 1121: 8, 1520:
    8, 127: 8, 1192: 8, 1470: 8, 1407: 8}, 1: {579: 8, 1248: 8, 582: 8, 1249: 8, 58
    5: 8, 1250: 8, 588: 8, 1251: 8, 591: 8, 1252: 8, 614: 8, 1253: 8, 615: 8, 1280:
    8, 616: 8, 1281: 8, 617: 8, 1282: 8, 618: 8, 1283: 8, 621: 8, 1284: 8, 622: 8, 1
    285: 8, 623: 8, 1286: 8, 1287: 8, 1288: 8, 1289: 8, 1290: 8, 1291: 8, 1292: 8, 1
    293: 8, 1294: 8, 1295: 8, 1296: 8, 1297: 8, 1298: 8, 1299: 8, 1300: 8, 1301: 8,
    1302: 8, 1303: 8, 1304: 8, 1305: 8, 1306: 8, 1307: 8, 1308: 8, 1309: 8, 1310: 8,
    1311: 8, 1530: 8, 513: 8, 514: 8, 515: 8, 516: 8, 517: 8, 522: 8, 523: 8, 524:
    8, 568: 8, 571: 8, 574: 8, 577: 8, 580: 8, 583: 8, 586: 8, 589: 8, 569: 8, 572:
    8, 575: 8, 578: 8, 581: 8, 584: 8, 587: 8, 590: 8, 570: 8, 573: 8, 576: 8}, 2: {
    909: 8, 1056: 8, 912: 7, 320: 8, 1057: 8, 1155: 8, 145: 8, 146: 8, 512: 6, 1268:
    8, 339: 8, 352: 8, 356: 4, 544: 8, 832: 8, 881: 8, 882: 8, 916: 8, 1151: 8, 116
    8: 7, 1287: 4, 1290: 8, 1315: 8, 1316: 8, 304: 8, 593: 8, 688: 5, 1136: 8, 908:
    8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 1157: 4, 1265: 4, 1342: 6, 897: 8, 905: 8, 1419: 8, 1164: 8,
    1156: 8, 1191: 2, 1173: 8, 1162: 8, 1078: 4, 1297: 8, 1305: 8, 1291: 8, 1312: 8,
    1345: 8, 1355: 8, 1429: 8, 1430: 8, 1535: 8, 1222: 6, 1223: 8, 1224: 8, 1298: 8
    , 1324: 8, 1280: 1, 1183: 8, 1193: 8, 1294: 8, 1227: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369:
    8, 1460: 8, 1292: 8, 1180: 8, 1371: 8, 1210: 8, 1174: 8, 1186: 2, 1427: 6, 1230:
    6, 1231: 6, 1322: 8, 1437: 8, 1219: 8, 1220: 8, 1484: 8, 1456: 4, 1507: 8, 1121
    : 8, 1520: 8, 127: 8, 1192: 8, 1470: 8, 1407: 8}, 3: {}, 4: {}, 5: {}, 6: {}, 7:
    {}}", "error": true}
    CarSelected = b'HYUNDAI NEXO'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/manager/process.py", line 40, in lau
    File "/data/openpilot/selfdrive/controls/controlsd.py", line 1024, in main
    controls = Controls()
    File "/data/openpilot/selfdrive/controls/controlsd.py", line 98, in init
    self.CI, self.CP = get_car(self.can_sock, self.pm.sock['sendcan'], experimen
    tal_long_allowed, num_pandas)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/car_helpers.py", line 206, in ge
    CP = CarInterface.get_params(candidate, fingerprints, car_fw, experimental_l
    ong_allowed, docs=False)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/interfaces.py", line 219, in get
    ret = CarInterfaceBase.get_std_params(candidate)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/interfaces.py", line 278, in get
    ret.maxLateralAccel = get_torque_params(candidate)['MAX_LAT_ACCEL_MEASURED']
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/interfaces.py", line 61, in get

    raise NotImplementedError(f"Did not find torque params for {candidate}")
    NotImplementedError: Did not find torque params for HYUNDAI NEXO
    Process controlsd:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/local/pyenv/versions/3.11.4/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/process.
    py", line 314, in _bootstrap
    File "/usr/local/pyenv/versions/3.11.4/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/process.
    py", line 108, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/manager/process.py", line 40, in lau
    File "/data/openpilot/selfdrive/controls/controlsd.py", line 1024, in main
    controls = Controls()
    File "/data/openpilot/selfdrive/controls/controlsd.py", line 98, in init
    self.CI, self.CP = get_car(self.can_sock, self.pm.sock['sendcan'], experimen
    tal_long_allowed, num_pandas)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/car_helpers.py", line 206, in ge
    CP = CarInterface.get_params(candidate, fingerprints, car_fw, experimental_l
    ong_allowed, docs=False)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/interfaces.py", line 219, in get
    ret = CarInterfaceBase.get_std_params(candidate)
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/interfaces.py", line 278, in get
    ret.maxLateralAccel = get_torque_params(candidate)['MAX_LAT_ACCEL_MEASURED']
    File "/data/openpilot/openpilot/selfdrive/car/interfaces.py", line 61, in get

    raise NotImplementedError(f"Did not find torque params for {candidate}")
    NotImplementedError: Did not find torque params for HYUNDAI NEXO
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    system/loggerd/loggerd.cc: rotated to /data/media/0/realdata/2024-02-14--05-51-5
    : [ ERROR ] "{unknown}[Style]: Failed to load source composite: Socket operatio
    n timed out"
    : [ ERROR ] "{unknown}[Style]: Failed to load sprite: Socket operation timed ou
    : [ ERROR ] "{unknown}[Style]: Failed to load sprite: Socket operation timed ou
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man
    camerad logcatd proclogd logmessaged micd timed dmonitoringmodeld carrotmodeld e
    ncoderd loggerd modeld mapsd navmodeld sensord ui soundd locationd calibrationd
    torqued controlsd deleter dmonitoringd navd pandad paramsd ubloxd pigeond planne
    rd radard thermald tombstoned statsd fleet_manager road_speed_limiter carrot_man

수정했습니다... 확인해주세요...

branch : carrot-dev240212a

안녕하세요, dev버전에서 잘 됩니다. 그런데 apilot 대비 질문사항이 있습니다.

  1. 고속도로에서 상한속도가 고정되지 않음 (110km/h로 올려도 계속 80-90km/h로 하향)
  • 혹시 NOO에서 속도 옵션을 켜서 그럴까요?
  1. 끄는 방법이 없음
  • apilot에서는 CANCEL 버튼을 길게 누르면 오파가 꺼짐
  • 당근에서는 해당 기능이 없는듯
  1. 당근맨 ssh 관련
  • 앱에서 별도 ssh 설정 없이 콤마 설정 ssh만으로도 되는걸까요?
  1. 실험모드를 끄세요..
  2. 당근엔 크루즈버튼을 눌러야할겁니다..
  3. 당근맨에 ssh에대한 질문이 많이 올라와서.... ssh없이 사용하는방법을 구현했습니다...
  1. 아, 익스페리멘털 모드가 켜 있나보네요. 내려가서 끄겠습니다.
  2. 넥쏘의 경우 크루즈 버튼으로 (순정) 크루즈 끔 > 크루즈 켬 > 리미트 순으로 전환됩니다.
  • 크루즈 온 상태에서 크루즈 버튼을 누르면 리미트로 전환되고 오파가 꺼지진 않습니다.
  • 이때 다시 크루즈 버튼을 눌러도 리미트가 크루즈 오프 상태로 가진 않습니다.
  1. 그렇군요. 역시나! 편히 쓰겠습니다. 감사합니다.

apilot과 당근은 거의 같습니다..

apilot은 인게이지 유지기능을 사용하는 방식이고...
당근은 조향유지기능을 사용하는 방식입니다..

뭐.. 별반 차이는 없지만.... 솔직히 apilot방식이 더 편하고 좋습니다..
하지만... 콤마가 의도하는 판다의 safety에 별로 좋은 이미지가 아니라서... 어쩔수 없이 바꿨습니다...

전 싼타페외에는 오픈파일럿을 운영해본적이 없습니다..
타본적도 없고... ㅎㅎ

넥소의 리미트 모드가 뭔지 모르겠군요... ㅎㅎ
현재 롱컨사용은 안하는건가요?