aixm / donlon

A fictitious set of digital AIS data sets complying with the ICAO Aneex 15, 16th edition and the new PANS-AIM provisions, in AIXM 5.1.1 format

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Use of xsi:type not allowed

porosnie opened this issue · comments

There are 4 instances in the Donlon sample where dynamic type declarations are used:

  • <aixm:Surface xsi:type="aixm:ElevatedSurfaceType" gml:id="uuid.d635cbc1-83ff-490d-8451-7aca0ef6a842">
  • <gml:Curve xsi:type="aixm:CurveType" gml:id="uuid.258c16e0-5f2c-4101-aabb-536f58c38eb5">
  • <aixm:Surface xsi:type="aixm:ElevatedSurfaceType" gml:id="uuid.b2444276-e335-4106-9a4a-fd5eeb75b41c">
  • <gml:Curve xsi:type="aixm:CurveType"gml:id="uuid.84fe3774-a519-4b16-9344-cb311b2c92b5">

This is not allowed by the AIXM GML Profile rules. See section 12.6.5 in the OGC 12-028r1 - Use of Geography Markup Language (GML) for Aviation Data. Allowing for xsi:type would add an additional source of errors, and an unnecessary complexity to implementations. Moreover, it is strongly discouraged since GML 3.2.

Corrected - removed xsi:type