aiwaves-cn / agents

An Open-source Framework for Autonomous Language Agents

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Using repo as dependency results in partial install

jnv opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'd like to use this project as a dependency via Poetry, however, when I install the package from git (since the version on PyPI is vastly outdated), it seems all the submodules are missing.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Create a new folder
  2. Setup new Poetry project: poetry init
  3. Add this repo as dependency: poetry add git+
  4. Check the site-packages/agents and observe that only top-level Python files are included; in my case:

I suspect this could be regression introduced in 2ae5457. I'm no distutils expert, but it seems specifying just packages = ['agents'] will omit all subpackages (e.g. agents.LLM).

Perhaps one option to fix it would be to combine previously removed find_packages with package_dir like this?

package_dir={"": "src"}