aisingapore / PeekingDuck

A modular framework built to simplify Computer Vision inference workloads.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OpenCV MOSSE tracker crashes after frames with no objects detected

84679452 opened this issue · comments

Operating System: Windows 11 21H2 22000.708
Python 3.8.13
PeekingDuck 1.2.1

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create new PeekingDuck environment

    conda create -n pkd python=3.8
    conda activate pkd
    pip install -U peekingduck
  2. Optionally install CUDA libraries.

    conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit=11.2 cudnn=8.1.0
  3. Initialize peekingduck folder and edit pipeline_config.yml following template from tutorial.

    - input.visual:
        source: videoplayback.mp4
    - model.efficientdet:
        detect_ids: ["car"]
    - dabble.tracking:
        tracking_type: "mosse"
    - dabble.statistics:
        maximum: obj_attrs["ids"]
    - draw.bbox
    - draw.tag:
        show: ["ids"]
    - draw.legend:
        show: ["cum_max"]
    - output.screen
  4. Using test video downloaded from YouTube, PeekingDuck crashes at the point in the video right before entering the garage, with the error log below:

    (pkd_test) C:\Users\test\Desktop\test>peekingduck run
    2022-06-13 16:14:15 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Successfully loaded pipeline file.
    2022-06-13 16:14:15 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing input.visual node...
    2022-06-13 16:14:15 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Config for node input.visual is updated to: 'source': videoplayback.mp4
    2022-06-13 16:14:15 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual  INFO:  Input size: 640 by 360
    2022-06-13 16:14:15 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing model.efficientdet node...
    2022-06-13 16:14:17 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Config for node model.efficientdet is updated to: 'detect_ids': [2]
    2022-06-13 16:14:22 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.model.efficientdet_d04.efficientdet_files.detector  INFO:  EfficientDet model loaded with following configs:
            Model type: D0
            IDs being detected: [2]
            Score threshold: 0.3
    2022-06-13 16:14:22 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing dabble.tracking node...
    2022-06-13 16:14:22 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Config for node dabble.tracking is updated to: 'tracking_type': mosse
    2022-06-13 16:14:22 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing dabble.statistics node...
    2022-06-13 16:14:22 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Config for node dabble.statistics is updated to: 'maximum': obj_attrs["ids"]
    2022-06-13 16:14:22 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing draw.bbox node...
    2022-06-13 16:14:22 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing draw.tag node...
    2022-06-13 16:14:22 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Config for node draw.tag is updated to: 'show': ['ids']
    2022-06-13 16:14:22 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing draw.legend node...
    2022-06-13 16:14:22 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Config for node draw.legend is updated to: 'show': ['cum_max']
    2022-06-13 16:14:22 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing output.screen node...
    2022-06-13 16:14:41 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual  INFO:  Frames Processed: 100
    2022-06-13 16:14:54 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual  INFO:  Frames Processed: 200
    2022-06-13 16:15:04 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual  INFO:  Frames Processed: 300
    2022-06-13 16:15:12 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual  INFO:  Frames Processed: 400
    2022-06-13 16:15:16 root  ERROR:  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\", line 194, in _run_module_as_main
        return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\", line 87, in _run_code
        exec(code, run_globals)
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\Scripts\peekingduck.exe\", line 7, in <module>
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\click\", line 829, in __call__
        return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\click\", line 782, in main
        rv = self.invoke(ctx)
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\click\", line 1259, in invoke
        return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\click\", line 1066, in invoke
        return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\click\", line 610, in invoke
        return callback(*args, **kwargs)
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\", line 327, in run
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\", line 127, in run
        outputs =
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\pipeline\nodes\dabble\", line 81, in run
        track_ids = self.tracker.track_detections(inputs)
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\pipeline\nodes\dabble\trackingv1\", line 72, in track_detections
        track_ids = self.tracker.track_detections(inputs)
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\pipeline\nodes\dabble\trackingv1\tracking_files\", line 62, in track_detections
        obj_track_ids = self._match_and_track(frame, tlwhs)
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\pipeline\nodes\dabble\trackingv1\tracking_files\", line 103, in _match_and_track
        ious = iou_candidates(bbox, np.array(prev_tracked_bboxes))
    File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\pipeline\nodes\dabble\trackingv1\tracking_files\", line 36, in iou_candidates
        candidates_tl = candidates[:, :2]
    2022-06-13 16:15:16 root  ERROR:  IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed

Additional Comments:
Bug should be reproducible with any video where there are frames with no objects detected followed by frames where objects appear again. Alternatively, an easier way would be to use a web camera and change the pipeline to detect "persons".

Quick Workaround:
Initialize prev_tracked_bboxes to empty 2D array if empty array [ ] and add additional sanity check to def _match_and_track.

def _match_and_track(self, frame: np.ndarray, bboxes: np.ndarray) -> List[int]:
    """Matches detections to tracked bboxes, creates a new track if no
    match is found.

        frame (np.ndarray): Input video frame.
        bboxes (np.ndarray): Detection bounding boxes with (t, l, w, h)
            format where (t, l) is the coordinate of the top-left corner,
            w is the width, and h is the height of the bounding box

        (List[int]): A list of track IDs for the detections in the current
    prev_tracked_bboxes = [track.bbox for _, track in self.tracks.items()]
    matching_dict = {}
    if not len(prev_tracked_bboxes):
        prev_tracked_bboxes = np.empty([0,4])
    for bbox in bboxes:
        ious = iou_candidates(bbox, np.array(prev_tracked_bboxes))
        matching_dict[tuple(bbox)] = (
            ious.argmax() if (len(ious) and max(ious) >= self.iou_threshold) else None
    track_ids = []
    for bbox, matched_id in matching_dict.items():
        if matched_id is None:
            self._initialize_tracker(frame, np.array(bbox))
    return track_ids

Thanks for the report! A fix for this has been submitted and will be in our next release after it's merged.

Hi, with the fix #662 the processing is able to pass the point of entering the garage but still crashes upon exiting the garage.
The log is as below:

>>> peekingduck run
2022-06-14 09:48:25 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Successfully loaded pipeline file.
2022-06-14 09:48:25 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing input.visual node...
2022-06-14 09:48:25 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Config for node input.visual is updated to: 'source': videoplayback.mp4
2022-06-14 09:48:25 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual  INFO:  Input size: 640 by 360
2022-06-14 09:48:25 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing model.yolo node...
2022-06-14 09:48:27 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Config for node model.yolo is updated to: 'detect_ids': [2]
2022-06-14 09:48:27 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.model.yolov4.yolo_files.detector  INFO:  YOLO model loaded with following configs:
        Model type: v4tiny,
        Input resolution: (416, 416),
        IDs being detected: [2]
        Max detections per class: 50,
        Max total detections: 50,
        IOU threshold: 0.5,
        Score threshold: 0.2
2022-06-14 09:48:29 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing dabble.tracking node...
2022-06-14 09:48:29 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Config for node dabble.tracking is updated to: 'tracking_type': mosse
2022-06-14 09:48:29 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing dabble.statistics node...
2022-06-14 09:48:29 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Config for node dabble.statistics is updated to: 'maximum': obj_attrs["ids"]
2022-06-14 09:48:29 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing draw.bbox node...
2022-06-14 09:48:29 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing draw.tag node...
2022-06-14 09:48:29 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Config for node draw.tag is updated to: 'show': ['ids']
2022-06-14 09:48:29 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing draw.legend node...
2022-06-14 09:48:29 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Config for node draw.legend is updated to: 'show': ['cum_max']
2022-06-14 09:48:29 peekingduck.declarative_loader  INFO:  Initializing output.screen node...
2022-06-14 09:48:33 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual  INFO:  Frames Processed: 100
2022-06-14 09:48:34 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual  INFO:  Frames Processed: 200
2022-06-14 09:48:36 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual  INFO:  Frames Processed: 300
2022-06-14 09:48:38 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual  INFO:  Frames Processed: 400
2022-06-14 09:48:39 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual  INFO:  Frames Processed: 500
2022-06-14 09:48:39 root  ERROR:  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\", line 194, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\", line 87, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\Scripts\peekingduck.exe\", line 7, in <module>
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\click\", line 829, in __call__
    return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\click\", line 782, in main
    rv = self.invoke(ctx)
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\click\", line 1259, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\click\", line 1066, in invoke
    return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\click\", line 610, in invoke
    return callback(*args, **kwargs)
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\", line 327, in run
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\", line 127, in run
    outputs =
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\pipeline\nodes\dabble\", line 81, in run
    track_ids = self.tracker.track_detections(inputs)
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\pipeline\nodes\dabble\trackingv1\", line 72, in track_detections
    track_ids = self.tracker.track_detections(inputs)
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\pipeline\nodes\dabble\trackingv1\tracking_files\", line 62, in track_detections
    obj_track_ids = self._match_and_track(frame, tlwhs)
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\pipeline\nodes\dabble\trackingv1\tracking_files\", line 103, in _match_and_track
    ious = iou_candidates(bbox, np.array(prev_tracked_bboxes))
   File "C:\Users\test\anaconda3\envs\pkd_test\lib\site-packages\peekingduck\pipeline\nodes\dabble\trackingv1\tracking_files\", line 36, in iou_candidates
    candidates_tl = candidates[:, :2]

2022-06-14 09:48:39 root  ERROR:  IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed

Made another update to #662 and was to process the video to completion on my machine. Could you please try and see if it fixes the issue for you?

Hi, tried the new fix and was able to pass the garage scene. Didn't test the entire video, but issue should be fixed now. Thanks!