aisamu / simple-invoice-generator

A simple invoice generator using pandoc and LaTeX. A YAML data file is used to configure the output of the resulting pdf.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Invoice Generator

A simple invoice generator using pandoc and LaTeX. A YAML data file is used to configure the output of the resulting pdf. Scroll to the bottom for example invoices.

Data File

A data.yml file is required to configure the output of the resulting pdf. An example data file is shown in data.yml.example. All keys are detailed below. Unless specified otherwise, values are treated as raw strings.

font: Open Sans
fontsize: 10pt
geometry: left=30mm,right=30mm,top=20mm,bottom=20mm

font can be one of:

  • Catamaran
  • Dosis
  • Lato
  • Open Sans
  • Quicksand
  • Raleway
  • Roboto
  • Ubuntu

fontsize can be any valid font size that can be read by \documentclass in LaTeX.

geometry can be any valid geometry configuration that can be read by \geometry in LaTeX.

invoice-number: 2019-04
date: 07-04-2019

invoice-number is the invoice number.

date is the date the invoice was issued on.

  name: Bertram Gilfoyle
    - 10 Employee Street
    - City
    - State
    - Postcode
    - Country
    - (00357) 123-456789
    name: Bank For Your Buck
    address: 10 Money Street, City, State, Postcode, Country
    account-number: 000-123-4
    iban: CY00000000000000000000001234
    swift: ABCDEFGH

name is the name of the issuer of the invoice.

address is the address of the issuer of the invoice. Provided in list format. Each element in the list will sit on its own line.

bank-details are the bank details of the issuer of the invoice. All nested variables are required.

  name: Aviato
    - 10 Company Street
    - City
    - State
    - Postcode
    - Country

name is the name of the recipient of the invoice.

address is the address of the recipient of the invoice. Provided in list format. Each element in the list will sit on its own line.

currency: EUR
convert-currency-to: USD
exchange-rate: 2.0

currency is the currency used in paperwork / agreements.

convert-currency-to is the currency that will be used for payment. If undefined, currency is used instead. If not undefined, exchange-rate must also be defined and set.

exchange-rate is the exchange rate between currency and convert-currency-to. Must be defined and set if convert-currency-to is defined. Must be a number. Used to calculate the prices in the currency that will be used for payment. Assumed to have been set according to

  - description: Monthly Salary
    price: 1000.00
  - description: Overtime
    details: 10 hours at €12.00 / hour
    price: 120.00
  - description: Used Anton
    details: 20 hours at €100.00 / hour
    price: 2000.00
  - description: Expense \#1
    details: Ate pizza (receipt attached)
    price: 10.00
  - description: Expense \#2
    details: Travelled to conference (receipt attached)
    price: 20.00

services is a list of dictionaries detailing the services / goods the invoice is for.

description is a description of the service / good provided.

details are details regarding the service / good provided. This is optional.

price is the cost of the service / good provided. Price must reflect the currency provided in currency. Must be a number.


cd to a working directory that includes a data.yml file. Then run

docker run --rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) --volume=$(pwd):/datadir loizoskounios/simple-invoice-generator

Once the image is pulled and ran, an invoice.pdf file should exist in your working directory. Edit data.yml and re-run the command above to generate more invoices.

Example Invoices

Example invoice using the Quicksand font

Example invoice using the Catamaran font and EUR-USD currency conversion


A simple invoice generator using pandoc and LaTeX. A YAML data file is used to configure the output of the resulting pdf.

License:MIT License


Language:TeX 72.8%Language:Shell 20.4%Language:Dockerfile 6.8%