airthusiast / hassio-addons

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add not working with latest version of smartfriendsbox

derheinrich2019 opened this issue · comments

Unfortunately, the Smartfriendsbox was updated via the app. Now the blinds can no longer be controlled.
The app is version 3.3.4. The API is version 3.3

I have adjusted the corresponding entries in the config, but unfortunately that is no longer sufficient - something "more" was probably changed.

Would it be possible to update the add-on?

the current log output:

2023-05-26T13:39:55.535Z [String] New message on topic schellenberg/device/value/15601: 0 2023-05-26T13:39:55.535Z [String] No handler found for topic schellenberg/device/value/15601 2023-05-26T13:39:55.535Z [String] New message on topic schellenberg/device/value/8687: 8 2023-05-26T13:39:55.535Z [String] No handler found for topic schellenberg/device/value/8687 2023-05-26T13:39:55.558Z [SmartSocket] Setup socket Event 2023-05-26T13:39:55.558Z [SmartSocket] Setup finished successfully 2023-05-26T13:39:55.559Z [SmartSocket] Send and Recieve Command: {"command":"helo","username":"ha"} 2023-05-26T13:39:55.569Z [SmartSocket] Recieved Data: { "response" : { "majorApiVersion" : "3", "salt" : "txmeXlKhmA6/Xuk6waUeJqYNDKE=", "sessionSalt" : "XP8kc70dnZ/mYdkwlRKVeodIyWw=" }, "responseCode" : 1, "responseMessage" : "success" } 2023-05-26T13:39:55.573Z [SmartSocket] Send and Recieve Command: {"command":"login","username":"ha","digest":"r8SJa+n7rRHy/ZVltPUvqCTyNZE=","cSymbol":"D19033i","shcVersion":"3.4.4"} 2023-05-26T13:39:55.638Z [SmartSocket] Recieved Data: { "response" : { "environment" : { }, "hardware" : "SmartFriendsBox", "localSHServerTime" : "20230526153955+0200", "macAddress" : "8c:19:2d:60:23:be", "ownerSetup" : true, "pushNotificationUrl" : "", "remoteHome" : { "activated" : true, "status" : "connected", "url" : "" }, "sessionID" : "gQGNYHZ5XYLQtmKP6lcN", "shsVersion" : "4.3.6-release", "user" : { "administratorRights" : true, "email" : "", "emailValidated" : false, "gender" : "none", "id" : 35231, "loginAllowedUntil" : 0, "mobileNo" : "", "name" : "ha", "passwordValidity" : 4294967295, "username" : "ha", "usertype" : "terminal", "wrappers" : [ 36001, 36000, 36002, 36495 ] }, "webshopUrl" : "" }, "responseCode" : 1, "responseMessage" : "success" } 2023-05-26T13:39:55.639Z [SessionService] Login Message recieved{"environment":{},"hardware":"SmartFriendsBox","localSHServerTime":"20230526153955+0200","macAddress":"8c:19:2d:60:23:be","ownerSetup":true,"pushNotificationUrl":"","remoteHome":{"activated":true,"status":"connected","url":""},"sessionID":"gQGNYHZ5XYLQtmKP6lcN","shsVersion":"4.3.6-release","user":{"administratorRights":true,"email":"","emailValidated":false,"gender":"none","id":35231,"loginAllowedUntil":0,"mobileNo":"","name":"ha","passwordValidity":4294967295,"username":"ha","usertype":"terminal","wrappers":[36001,36000,36002,36495]},"webshopUrl":""} 2023-05-26T13:39:55.639Z [SchellenbergApi] Session ID: gQGNYHZ5XYLQtmKP6lcN 2023-05-26T13:39:55.640Z [SmartSocket] Send and Recieve Command: {"command":"getAllNewInfos","sessionID":"gQGNYHZ5XYLQtmKP6lcN","timestamp":"0","compatibilityConfigurationVersion":"0","languageTranslationVersion":"0"} node:internal/process/promises:227 triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */); ^ [UnhandledPromiseRejection: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason "timeout".] { code: 'ERR_UNHANDLED_REJECTION' } [cmd] / exited 1 [cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts... [cont-finish.d] done. [s6-finish] waiting for services. [s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.

