airkraken / actionscript-mode

An actionscript-mode for Emacs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repository contains an actionscript-mode for Emacs and a config
file that includes some small optional utilities and config options.

Please note that I rarely hack on Actionscript anymore, so don't
expect a lot of updates or fixes.

Feel free to fork this repo and make it your own!

You may also want to check here for alternatives:

The utilities are as follows:


  Insert a print statement immediately after the nearest function
  definition before point.

  This is bound to F5.


  Insert an empty trace call at point. If point is inside a word, then
  trace that word on the next line.

  This is bound to C-c C-t.


  Update the etags table. (You might need to customize this depending
  on where you store your TAGS file.)


  When you open a new file, this function is automatically called to
  insert some boilerplate code. You might want to customize that.


An actionscript-mode for Emacs