airbnb / ruby

Ruby Style Guide

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unable to use because of the rubocop version

MarcoCostantini opened this issue · comments

$ rubocop --require rubocop-airbnb
Unable to activate rubocop-airbnb-3.0.2, because rubocop-0.82.0 conflicts with rubocop (~> 0.76.0)

Any updates for this?

Hey @MarcoCostantini and @omertarikkoc I can look into this, what ruby version and rubocop version are you running?

Hi @pariser I have the same issue. I'm using Ruby 2.7.2, and I wanted to use Rubocop 1.1.0

Also having this issue. I was trying to get my team on using this style guide, but we're on 2.7.2 as well.
I keep getting the following even when using bundle exec rubocop --require rubocop-airbnb as described in this comment about 2.6 support

Error: Unknown Ruby version 2.7 found in `.ruby-version`.
Supported versions: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5