airbnb / rheostat

Rheostat is a www, mobile, and accessible slider component built with React

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PropType warnings for not required props

daryaskopyuk opened this issue · comments

In the latest version of rheostat I receive prop type warnings for not required props that are not passed to <Rheostat /> component. These props are: handle, background, progressBar.

For example, for the component...

   values={[min, max]} 

...there are warnings like this:
Screenshot 2021-11-29 at 10 09 50

As far as we investigated this issue, these warnings appear when react-with-styles dependency has version 4.2.0. When we pin it to 4.1.0 warnings are not present.

cc @noratarano @lencioni; v4.2.0 of react-with-styles caused breaking changes in react-dates, and appears to be doing the same here. can someone look into that?