airbnb / react-with-styles

Use CSS-in-JavaScript with themes for React without being tightly coupled to one implementation

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expose `.propTypes` and `.defaultProps` on the wrapper

yzimet opened this issue · comments

When used in conjunction with react-validator's .passedInto method, we need the .proptypes of the wrapped component to be exposed on the wrapper:

Maybe hoistNonReactStatics is supposed to do this, but it doesn't seem to be working.

hoistNonReactStatics only hoists statics that are non-React.

I think hoisting propTypes might be okay, but I worry a little that the warning it will generate may end up being confusing for some developers. E.g. instead of telling you that the props you are passing to MyComponent aren't correct, it will tell you that the props you are passing to withStyles(MyComponent) aren't correct. Naturally, this will include every HOC the component is wrapped with after withStyles in the message. This is probably just fine though. And, on the flipside, the error message will be more accurate with which render method to look at, so that's a bigger win I guess.

Is this practice something we should add to the React style guide?

copying over the propTypes and defaultProps on HOCs? Yes, I think so.