airbnb / nerve

A service registration daemon that performs health checks; companion to airbnb/synapse

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Install nerve in Ubuntu 20

sencloudpl opened this issue · comments

I'm upgrating my stack Ubuntu 18 => Ubuntu 20
Nerve :
ruby 2.7
gem -v => 3.0.3
Bundler version 2.3.14
zk (1.10.0)

2022-05-20_15:35:37.36719 I, [2022-05-20T17:35:37.367135 #104748] INFO -- Nerve::Nerve: nerve: starting up!
2022-05-20_15:35:37.36720 bundler: failed to load command: ./bin/nerve (./bin/nerve)

Did somebody install nerve with Ubuntu 20?