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AE Bodymovin SVG SMIL export fails if using position animation with separated dimensions

beeceemato opened this issue · comments


Tell us about your environment

  • Browser: Not relevant, bug inside AE Bodymovin plugin.
  • After Effects Version: 18.4.1 (MacOS)

What did you do? Please explain the steps you took before you encountered the problem.
Imported an Adobe Illustrator file (import setting: Composition - Retain layer sizes). Added animation to the position-property to many layers. While animating, separated X and Y dimensions in position animations. Tried to export SVG SMIL from Bodymovin menu.

What did you expect to happen?
An SVG to be exported as usually.

What actually happened? Please include as much relevant detail as possible.
Got a very non-descriptive error message:
Following the hint given by this error did not fix the problem as the setting was already on. It would be handy to at least have an error message that hints the right workflow to fix the export issue.

Temporary solution.
Switched all position animations back to non-separated X & Y dimensions. After that, SVG SMIL export worked as expected.