airbnb / lottie-android

Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native

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White lottie showing in black

GopalAlliance opened this issue · comments

  1. My animation doesn't use any unsupported features.
  2. I know what part of my animation doesn't work.
  3. I have created a simplified version of my animation
  4. I have attached the AEP file (as a zip file so it can be attached) that only has the part of the animation that doesn't work.

Describe the bug
I have a lottie json which is in white color when when i render the white json it's renders in black.

What version of Lottie did you test this on?
What version of Android did you test this on?
android 13
Steps To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Just create a white lottie json without any border just create white and transparent
  2. and add to android
  3. it won't render it on white it will render it on black
    actual lottie
    rendered lottie


Can you attach the animation?

Lottie Android doesn't support fill mask layer effects. Try using normal fills.