airblade / vim-gitgutter

A Vim plugin which shows git diff markers in the sign column and stages/previews/undoes hunks and partial hunks.

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Can we have gitgutter signs in a separate column?

saveshodhan opened this issue · comments


Is it possible to have gitgutter signs on a separate and dedicated column? This is so that we can in parallel have syntastic signs as well.
I know gitgutter does not overwrite other signs by default, but is it possible to have both?


You can do this in Neovim but not Vim (it's not something gitgutter itself can do anything about). Here's :help signcolumn in Neovim:

'signcolumn' 'scl'	string	(default "auto")
			local to window
	When and how to draw the signcolumn. Valid values are:
	   "auto"   	only when there is a sign to display
	   "auto:[1-9]" resize to accommodate multiple signs up to the
	                given number (maximum 9), e.g. "auto:4"
	                resize to accommodate multiple signs up to the
			given maximum number (maximum 9) while keeping
			at least the given minimum (maximum 8) fixed
			space. The minimum number should always be less
			than the maximum number, e.g. "auto:2-5"
	   "no"	    	never
	   "yes"    	always
	   "yes:[1-9]"  always, with fixed space for signs up to the given
	                number (maximum 9), e.g. "yes:3"
	   "number"	display signs in the 'number' column. If the number
			column is not present, then behaves like "auto".