aioutecism / amVim-for-VSCode

The Vim mode for Visual Studio Code(vscode) that works as expected.

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Remapping jump to next section

zontafil opened this issue · comments

is there a way to remap the shift ] and related commands to something else?


Can you add a bit more information about what you would like to do here?

For instance, it is possible to override amVim normal mode behavior to some degree by adding a VS Code keybinding:

        "key": "shift+]",
        "command": "cursorDown",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && amVim.mode == 'NORMAL'"

You can also append && !amVim.waitingForInput if you would like to only override the behavior for a single key when not prefixed as part of a longer vim command.

But if you would like to remap keys inside the plugin itself, this is not currently supported. See #9.