aio-libs / janus

Thread-safe asyncio-aware queue for Python

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

doesn't play nicely with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor

FirefighterBlu3 opened this issue · comments

if loop.run_in_executor(executor,...) is ProcessPoolExecutor instead of None, exceptions will be raised such as inability to serialize thread lock objects and callItems.

Janus was developed to store all data in process local memory only.
It just not intended to support multiprocess approach.
asyncio is not intended too, btw. It works in some scenarios but fails in others.

perhaps an instance check w/ exception? it can be frustrating to debug something for a while before figuring out it doesn't work with concurrent.futures.

I don't follow what place for check are you suggesting.
Would you provide a Pull Request?

not active more then year, closing