ainame / Swift-WebP

A think libwebp wrapper in Swift that provides both encode/decode APIs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Carthage stalls at check out?

Marini83 opened this issue · comments


First off would like to thank you for working on WebP as it's still at its infancy! I tried to use carthage but it hangs around checkout, possibly has to do with github? Not to sure.


Thanks your trying, this project is very infancy as you said.
I'll check it at tonight.

Thank you! Do you think the encoding works at a reasonable speed for iPhone 6 for instance?

Maybe, those problem has solved in my environment. And I replaced v0.0.1 version by new one.
Please try again.

Do you think the encoding works at a reasonable speed for iPhone 6 for instance?

I think image encoding process is almost slow in general, but Core Image framework or other Apple's framework have many optimization for iPhone's hardware then it enable app to fast encoding, so Swift-WebP would be slow, because it have no optimization for iPhone.

I will use Swift-WebP in macOS mainly.
Please try benchmarking in your iPhone.

Hello, seems when I clone it the libwebp folder is empty. I am assuming I should create a cartfile?


It seem to be fail git submodule command. Please paste verbose log into your gist, and share it here.

carthage bootstrap --verbose

Ah, how do you install Swift-WebP?
Please try to use carthage with Cartfile.


github "ainame/Swift-WebP"

Hello, here's my gist. I don't know why it's not adding the framework to Swift-WebP?

Yes that seems to be correct, I'm entering it as github "ainame/Swift-WebP"

Hello, I've seen it. I seem that it is succeeded of installation.

I don't know why it's not adding the framework to Swift-WebP?

Please read this

Hello , thank you for your help! I tried again following what's on the link, however it seems that liwebp is not being added, not too sure why that is happening? for instance I keep getting these:
No such file or directory: 'GithubLibraries/upload s3 github/Swift-WebP/libwebp/src/dec/vp8.c'

Well..., please report me more information about your environments or steps to reproduce this error in my environment. Such as, your Xcode version, your macOS version, commands, etc...

And, this project make a dynamic framework about libweb wrapper, but it doesn't add libwebp directly, and then you can use only WebP module like following links.

Hello, these are the steps

git clone
vim Cartfile
Enter github "ainame/Swift-WebP" in Cartfile
carthage update
Results in ....
*** Fetching Swift-WebP *** Checking out Swift-WebP at "v0.0.1" *** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/8h/8mqz31496m138qvgh2cn1rjh0000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.4vJWbE.log *** Building scheme "WebP macOS" in WebP.xcworkspace *** Building scheme "WebP iOS" in WebP.xcworkspace
gettings warnings like so warning: variable 'sum_left' may be uninitialized when used here [-Wconditional-uninitialized]
I open WebP.xcworkspace
I drag Swift-WebP/Carthage/Build/iOS/WebP.framework to Linked Frameworks and Libraries
In Build Phases clicked on New Run Script Phase and then entered /usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
Under Input Files I enter $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/WebP.framework
Then I open WebP.cworkspace but when I compile there are errors such as
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebP-aryzjltvhnroataplewjbjnuuhok/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/usr/local/include/vp8li.h
lang: error: no such file or directory: 'Swift-WebP/libwebp/src/dec/buffer.c'
No such file or directory: 'Swift-WebP/libwebp/src/dec/alpha.c'


I see. Maybe, you don't understand the usage of carthage and dynamic framework.

If you want to contribute my project and develop it, you should use this repository directly.
But, if you want to use this on your project, you should install this into your project.

Please try following steps.

  1. create your iOS project
  2. create Cartfile on it
  3. exec carthage bootstrap command and configure project settings.
  4. feel free to write your code.

Hello, It works fine on the simulator but it mentions an optimization error on a real device (iPhone 6).
