aim-uofa / AdelaiDet

AdelaiDet is an open source toolbox for multiple instance-level detection and recognition tasks.

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test results

cqray1990 opened this issue · comments

i train ABCv1 with totaltext:here is my results,

what did your means about e2e-Full-hmean and e2e-None-hmean

"E2E_RESULTS: precision: 0.6778679026651216, recall: 0.6421514818880352, hmean: 0.6595264937993236"
"DETECTION_ONLY_RESULTS: precision: 0.893574297188755, recall: 0.8039747064137308, hmean: 0.8464098906324299"

同问,而且我pretrain了代码,None-E2E_RESULTS 和Strong-E2E_RESULTS没有结果