aijeanka / CRAVAT-Variant-Analysis-

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CRAVAT Variant Analysis

Project Overview

This repository contains the documentation and results of the CRAVAT variant analysis performed as part of Homework 11 in HIDS-7003. The analysis focused on exploring genomic variants using two VCF files through the CRAVAT platform.

Data Description

Two VCF files were analyzed:

  1. Single-sample VCF file from WES processing: ERR2348724.sorted.indexed.flagged.vcf
  2. Multi-sample VCF file from a Thymus Cancer project: 20180912-ThymusSomatic_tumorOnly_wo019_nonres.vcf

Analysis Workflow

  • VCF files were downloaded from the CRAVAT homework folder and uploaded to CRAVAT for analysis.
  • Each file was processed separately, with settings adjusted to default and reference genome set to hg19.
  • Post-analysis, results were explored online using the CRAVAT interface, and relevant outputs were downloaded.

Repository Contents

Execution Summary

  • Aizhan_Uteubayeva-CRAVAT-HW-summary.docx: This document includes a detailed summary of the execution of the pipeline, including screenshots and links to CRAVAT output.

Output Files from Single-sample VCF Analysis (ERR2348724)

  • Gene_Level_Analysis.Result.tsv: Summary of gene-level variant impacts from the CRAVAT analysis.
  • Input_Errors.Result.tsv: Details of any input errors detected by CRAVAT during the analysis.
  • Variant_Additional_Details.Result.tsv: Provides additional details on variants analyzed in the study.
  • Variant_Non-coding.Result.tsv: Analysis results specifically for non-coding regions.
  • Variant.Result.tsv: Main results file listing variants and their annotations.

Output Files from Multi-sample VCF Analysis (20180912-ThymusSomatic)

  • Similar files as listed for the single-sample analysis, detailing the CRAVAT results for the multi-sample analysis. Each file serves the same purpose, providing comprehensive insights into genomic variants for multiple samples from patients who responded to immuno-therapy.

How to Use This Repository

  • Review the Aizhan_Uteubayeva-CRAVAT-HW-summary.docx for a comprehensive understanding of the pipeline execution and output analysis.
  • Detailed results and variant analyses can be further explored by accessing the output files listed above.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Aizhan Uteubayeva


License:MIT License