aieater / gpueater_ruby

GPUEater API Console for ruby.

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GPUEater API Console

Getting Started

GPUEater is a cloud computing service focusing on Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Now, AMD Radeon GPUs and NVIDIA Quadro GPUs are available.

This document is intended to describe how to set up this API and how to control your instances through this API.

Before getting started, register your account on GPUEater.

AMD RadeonGPU ROCm-TensorFlow information (

This README is intended to provide helpful information for Deep Learning developers with AMD ROCm.

Unfortunately, AMD's official repository for ROCm sometimes includes old or missing information. Therefore, on this readme, we will endeavor to describe accurate information based on the knowledge gained by GPUEater infrastructure development and operation.

  • How to setup Radeon GPU Driver (ROCm) on Ubuntu16.04/18.04
  • How to setup ROCm-Tensorflow on Ubuntu16.04/18.04
    • ROCm(AMDGPU)-TensorFlow 1.8 Python2.7/Python3.5 + UbuntuOS
    • ROCm(AMDGPU)-TensorFlow 1.1xx Python2.7/Python3.5/Python3.6 + UbuntuOS
    • CPU-TensorFlow 1.10.1 Python3.7 + MacOSX
  • Lightweight ROCm-TensorFlow docker
    • ROCm-TensorFlow on GPUEater
    • ROCm-TensorFlow1.11 docker

ROCm information URL :


  1. Ruby 2.x is required to run GPUEater API Console.
  2. Create a JSON file in accordance with the following instruction.

At first, open your account page( and copy your access_token. The next, create a JSON file on ~/.eater

        "gpueater": {


        "gpueater": {
  • At this time, permission control for each token is not available. Still in development.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'gpueater'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install gpueater

Run GPUEater API

Before launching an instance, you need to decide product, ssh key, OS image. Get each info with the following APIs.

Get available on-demand product list

This API returns current available on-demand products.


g =
puts g.ondemand_list()

Get registered ssh key list

This API returns your registered ssh keys.


g =
puts g.ssh_key_list()

Get OS image list

This API returns available OS images.


g =
puts g.image_list()

Instance launch

Specify product, OS image, and ssh_key for instance launching.


g =
res = g.ondemand_list()

image = res.find_image('Ubuntu16.04 x64')
ssh_key = res.find_ssh_key('[Your ssh key]')
product = res.find_product('a1.rx580')

param = {
    'product_id' => product['id'],
    'image' => image['alias'],
    'ssh_key_id' => ssh_key['id'],
    'tag' => 'HappyGPUProgramming'

res = g.launch_ondemand_instance(param)
puts res

In the event, the request has succeeded, then the API returns the following empty data. {data:null, error:null}

In the event, errors occurred during the instance instantiation process, then the API returns details about the error.

Launched instance list

This API returns your launched instance info.


g =
res = g.instance_list()

Terminate instance

Before terminating an instance, get instance info through instance list API. Your instance_id and machine_resource_id are needed to terminate.


g =
res = g.instance_list(){|e| e['tag'] == 'HappyGPUProgramming' }.each{|e|
	puts g.terminate_instance(e)

API list

Version Function Required Description
v0.8 image_list() Listing all OS images
v1.7 snapshot_instance(form) instance_id, machine_resource_id Creating a snapshot
v1.7 delete_snapshot(form) instance_id, machine_resource_id Deleting a snapshot
v1.5 registered_image_list() Listing all user defined OS images
v1.5 create_image(form) instance_id',image_name Adding an user defined OS image
v2.0 import_image(form) url Registering an user defined OS image on the internet
v1.5 delete_image(form) fingerprint Deleting an OS image
Version Function Required Description
v0.8 ssh_key_list() Listing all ssh keys
v1.0 generate_ssh_key() Generating Key Pair
v1.0 register_ssh_key(form) name, public_key Registering an SSH key
v1.0 delete_ssh_key(form) id Deleting an SSH key
require 'fileutils'
require 'gpueater'

g =

keyname = 'my_ssh_key2'

# delete old keys.
g.ssh_key_list().select{|e| g.delete_ssh_key(e) if e["name"] == keyname }

# generate key pair and register public key.
key = g.generate_ssh_key

# store private key to ~/.ssh/***.pem file.
homedir     = File.expand_path('~')
pem = File.join(homedir,'.ssh',keyname+".pem")
fp = open(pem,"w")

# change mode.

puts g.ssh_key_list

Version Function Required Description
v0.8 ondemand_list() Listing all on-demand instances
v2.0 subscription_list() Listing all subscription instances
v0.8 launch_ondemand_instance(form) product_id, image, ssh_key_id Launch an on-demand instance
v2.0 launch_subcription_instance(form) subscription_id, image, ssh_key_id Launch a subscription instance
v0.8 instance_list() Listing all launched instances
v1.0 change_instance_tag(form) instance_id, tag Changing an instance tag
v1.0 start_instance(form) instance_id, machine_resource_id Starting an instance. If the instance is already RUNNING, nothing is going to happen
v1.0 stop_instance(form)[Deprecated] instance_id, machine_resource_id Stopping an instance. If the instance is already STOPPED, nothing is going to happen
v1.0 restart_instance(form) instance_id, machine_resource_id Restarting an instance
v0.8 terminate_instance(form) instance_id, machine_resource_id Terminating an instance
v1.0 emergency_restart_instance(form) instance_id, machine_resource_id Restarting an instance emergently when an instance is hung up

The "machine_resource_id" is including an instance object. See the following sample code.


instance = g.instance_list()[0]
# instance object has instance_id, and machine_resource_id.


Version Function Required Description
v1.0 port_list(form) instance_id Listing all ports
v1.0 open_port(form) instance_id, connection_id, port Opening a port for inbound traffic
v1.0 close_port(form) instance_id, connection_id, port Closing a port for inbound traffic
v1.0 renew_ipv4(form) instance_id Getting a new IPv4 address
v1.0 network_description(form) instance_id This API reports current network status
Version Function Required Description
v2.0 create_volume(form) size Creating an extended volume
v2.0 attach_volume(form) volume_id, instance_id Attaching an extended volume to an instance
v2.0 delete_volume(form) volume_id Deleting an extended volume
v2.0 transfer_volume(form) volume_id,region_id Transfering an extended volume to another region
Version Function Required Description
v2.0 subscription_instance_list() Listing all subscription instances
v2.0 subscription_storage_list() Listing all storage volumes
v2.0 subscription_network_list() Listing all subscription networks
v2.0 subscribe_instance(form) subscription_id Subscribing a subscription instance
v2.0 unsubscribe_instance(form) subscription_id Canceling a subscription instance
v2.0 subscribe_storage(form) subscription_id Subscribing a storage volume
v2.0 unsubscribe_storage(form) subscription_id Canceling a storage volume
v2.0 subscribe_network(form) subscription_id Subscribing a network product
v2.0 unsubscribe_network(form) subscription_id Canceling a network product
Version Function Required Description
v2.5 live_migration(form) product_id, region_id, connection_id Moving a running instance to another physical machine without termination
v2.5 cancel_transaction(form) transaction_id Canceling a transaction
v2.5 peak_transaction(form) transaction_id checking a current transaction status
Version Function Required Description
v1.0 invoice_list() Listing invoices for on-demand instances
v2.0 subscription_invoice_list() Listing invoices for subscription instances
v2.5 make_invoice(form) invoice_id Obtain a pdf invoice
Version Function Required Description
v1.7 copy_file(form) action("get"or"put"), src, dst Copying a file. "get" obtains a file from a remote host to your local host, and "put" is the opposite. "src" is a source file path, and "dst" is a destination file path
v1.7 delete_file(form) src, recursive Deleting a remote file
v1.7 move_file(form) action("get"or"put"), src, dst Moving a file. "get" obtains a file from a remote host to your local host, and "put" is the opposite. "src" is a source file path, and "dst" is a destination file path
v1.7 make_directory(form) dst Making a directory in a remote host
v1.7 file_list(form) src Listing all files in a remote host
v1.7 synchronize_files(form) action, src, dst This API is similar to the "rsync"
v1.7 login_instance(form) instance_id Logging in a specific instance through the SSH
v1.7 tunnel(form) instance_id, port This API enables a port tunneling between your local and a remote host
Class API
Version Function Required Description
v0.8 new() Instantiating a gpueater object
v1.7 api_list() Listing all available APIs.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details


GPUEater API Console for ruby.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 99.1%Language:Shell 0.9%