AI4Bharat / indicnlp_corpus

Description Describes the IndicNLP corpus and associated datasets

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AI4Bharat-IndicNLP Dataset

The AI4Bharat-IndicNLP dataset is an ongoing effort to create a collection of large-scale, general-domain corpora for Indian languages. Currently, it contains 2.7 billion words for 10 Indian languages from two language families. We share pre-trained word embeddings trained on these corpora. We create news article category classification datasets for 9 languages to evaluate the embeddings. We evaluate the IndicNLP embeddings on multiple evaluation tasks.

You can read details regarding the corpus and other resources HERE. We showcased the AI4Bharat-IndicNLP dataset at REPL4NLP 2020 (collocated with ACL 2020) (non-archival submission as extended abstract). You can see the talk here: VIDEO.

You can use the IndicNLP corpus and embeddings for multiple Indian language tasks. A comprehensive list of Indian language NLP resources can be found in the IndicNLP Catalog. For processing the Indian language text, you can use the Indic NLP Library.

Table of contents

Text Corpora

The text corpus for 12 languages.

Language # News Articles* Sentences Tokens Link
as 0.60M 1.39M 32.6M link
bn 3.83M 39.9M 836M link
en 3.49M 54.3M 1.22B link
gu 2.63M 41.1M 719M link
hi 4.95M 63.1M 1.86B link
kn 3.76M 53.3M 713M link
ml 4.75M 50.2M 721M link
mr 2.31M 34.0M 551M link
or 0.69M 6.94M 107M link
pa 2.64M 29.2M 773M link
ta 4.41M 31.5M 582M link
te 3.98M 47.9M 674M link


  • The vocabulary frequency files contain the frequency of all unique tokens in the corpus. Each line contains one word along with frequency delimited by tab.
  • For convenience, the corpus is already tokenized using the IndicNLP tokenizer. You can use the IndicNLP detokenizer in case you want a detokenized version.


To replicate the results reported in the paper, training and evaluation scripts are provided.

To run these scripts, the following tools/packages are required:

For Python packages to install, see requirements.txt

Word Embeddings


Version 1

language pa hi bn or gu mr kn te ml ta
vectors link link link link link link link link link link
model link link link link link link link link link link

Training word embeddings

$FASTTEXT_HOME/build/fasttext skipgram \
	-epoch 10 -thread 30 -ws 5 -neg 10    -minCount 5 -dim 300 \
	-input $mono_path \
	-output $output_emb_prefix 

Evaluation on word similarity task

Evaluate on the IIIT-H Word Similarity Database: DOWNLOAD

The above mentioned link is a cleaned version of the same database found HERE.

Evaluation Command

python scripts/word_similarity/ \
	<embedding_file_path> \
	<word_sim_db_path> \

Evaluation on word analogy task

Evaluate on the Facebook word analogy dataset.

Evaluation Command

First, add MUSE root directory to Python Path

python  scripts/word_analogy/ \
    --analogy_fname <analogy_fname> \
    --embeddings_path <embedding_file_path> \
    --lang 'hi' \
    --emb_dim 300 \

IndicNLP News Article Classification Dataset

We used the IndicNLP text corpora to create classification datasets comprising news articles and their categories for 9 languages. The dataset is balanced across classes. The following table contains the statistics of our dataset:

Language Classes Articles per Class
Bengali entertainment, sports 7K
Gujarati business, entertainment, sports 680
Kannada entertainment, lifestyle, sports 10K
Malayalam business, entertainment, sports, technology 1.5K
Marathi entertainment, lifestyle, sports 1.5K
Oriya business, crime, entertainment, sports 7.5K
Punjabi business, entertainment, sports, politics 780
Tamil entertainment, politics, sport 3.9K
Telugu entertainment, business, sports 8K


Evaluation Command

python3 scripts/ --emb_path <path> --data_dir <path> --lang <lang code>

Publicly available Classification Datasets

We also evaluated the IndicNLP embeddings on many publicly available classification datasets.

  • ACTSA Corpus: Sentiment analysis corpus for Telugu sentences.
  • BBC News Articles: Text classification corpus for Hindi documents extracted from BBC news website.
  • IIT Patna Product Reviews: Sentiment analysis corpus for product reviews posted in Hindi.
  • INLTK Headlines Corpus: Obtained from inltk project. The corpus is a collection of headlines tagged with their news category. Available for langauges: gu, ml, mr and ta.
  • IIT Patna Movie Reviews: Sentiment analysis corpus for movie reviews posted in Hindi.
  • Bengali News Articles: Contains Bengali news articles tagged with their news category.

We have created standard test, validation and test splits for the above mentioned datasets. You can download them to evaluate your embeddings.


Evaluation Command

To evaluate your embeddings on the above mentioned datasets, first download them and then run the following command:

python3 scripts/ --emb_path <path> --data_dir <path> --lang <lang code>


These datasets are available under original license for each public dataset.


IndicNLP Morphanalyzers are unsupervised morphanalyzers trained with morfessor.


Version 1

pa hi bn or gu mr kn te ml ta

Training Command

## extract vocabulary from embedings file
zcat $embedding_vectors_path |  \
    tail -n +2 | \
    cut -f 1 -d ' '  > $vocab_file_path

## train morfessor 
morfessor-train -d ones \
        -S $model_file_path \
        --logfile  $log_file_path \
        --traindata-list $vocab_file_path \
        --max-epoch 10 


If you are using any of the resources, please cite the following article:

    title={AI4Bharat-IndicNLP Corpus: Monolingual Corpora and Word Embeddings for Indic Languages},
    author={Anoop Kunchukuttan and Divyanshu Kakwani and Satish Golla and Gokul N.C. and Avik Bhattacharyya and Mitesh M. Khapra and Pratyush Kumar},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.00085},

We would like to hear from you if:

  • You are using our resources. Please let us know how you are putting these resources to use.
  • You have any feedback on these resources.


Creative Commons License
IndicNLP Corpus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


  • Anoop Kunchukuttan
  • Divyanshu Kakwani
  • Satish Golla
  • Gokul NC
  • Avik Bhattacharyya
  • Mitesh Khapra
  • Pratyush Kumar

This work is the outcome of a volunteer effort as part of AI4Bharat initiative.



Description Describes the IndicNLP corpus and associated datasets


Language:Python 100.0%